
Not So Fabulous- Permanently pregnant stomach!

I don't mean to complain, but I have been pregnant since 2005. This is not a picture of me, but it almost could be! Yes I have been pregnant for 18 months. I gained weight during my pregnancy with Landon, but I have lost it all and more (Thank you weight watchers), and still have a pregnant stomach. I am not talking about a little flab (a muffin top as my friend Alyssa calls it), it looks like I am 5 months pregnant.

I have been to every doctor that I can go to. I have had ultrasounds, scans, blood tests, nothing is wrong. Finally after a consultation with a plastic surgeon (I AM DESPERATE), he told me the scary truth. My muscles never came back together. He said that nothing NOTHING will bring the tummy down but surgery. This is because everything is pushing up through this big opening of muscles!

I feel a little too shy to post my own stomach but here are a few women featured on the Dr. Phil show who have my problem.

Obviously I am not happy. Snappy Casual Gifts wrote a great post about her friends tummy tuck. This is something I will consider doing after I am done having kids. We are gearing up for baby #2, but are not pregnant yet. The surgery idea gives me serious hope, but it's a long way off! In the meantime, this is annoying! If another person asks if I am pregnant I will run them down with my Pacifica.


PaperCourt said...

I have the same issue along with a million stretch marks all over my stomach. A dermatologist told me the only way to get rid of my stretch marks is a tummy tuck (to remove the skin). Oh the sacrifices we make for our lovely children!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

bloglines...you set up an account & then you can go in & list all the blogs you want to read. Even if you only check it once a month. Then you just have to log into bloglines & will let you know who has new post & how many. You don't have to bother going through looking at everyones blog to see if there is an update.
The only thing is I don't know how to read one, but then go back & mark it new so I will remember to go back & post a comment. I hope this helps. I just signed up last week so it is still all very new to me.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! I have three boys and my stomach is not what it used to be. We are toying the idea of having a fourth and I asked hubby (who is an ob/gyn) if I could have a c-section/tummy tuck:) He laughed. I don't think he understood that I was serious! Our poor bodies.

workinthatpreppy said...

you go girl...my stomach didn't stretch but my saddle bags did...i want a gentle liposuction on each! i received your address and had one more idea. you weren't up at 345 this am were you?

lizziefitz said...

Just respond to THOSE people ," Let's not talk about my bundle of joy when are your triplets DUE?!

Belle said...

I'm going through the same thing. My weight goes up and down, but the "I look pregnant tummy" never does. My doctor told me the same thing. We're trying for #3, so I've been putting it off. I'm not sure if I'd ever go through with the surgery, though. I'll think about that later, much later... ;)

Kim said...

I'd just like to wear a belt again someday. Of course, it does save me a lot of money on accessories.

Spanx only help so much.

Anonymous said...

You're still H O T!

Kiki said...

Have you seen Jon and Kate Plus 8??? She had a tummy tuck and LOVED IT. I think you should do whatever you want,(but I would love one myself and have never had children) its your body...no one can tell you what to do!!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

This affects so many women. I hope you do what will make you happy, I'm all for that! My friend had this done and looks amazing. YAY on #2! Good luck. :)

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Awwww, I love to read comments by your Hubs! :)

Kricket said...

I'm scheduling my tummy tuck for next month!!!!!!!!! I'm posting pictures also. 4 weeks after the surgery I'm having my boobs done!!! :)

I know, I know........ you hate me dontcha???

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

I am there with you too. Wait until you have had three children. I am with you, Kricket on the tummy tuck, etc.

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Your hubby sounds so sweet. Too cute when he comments. Don't you hate those super skinny people who look like a single muscle in their stomach never stretched an inch w/ pregnancy? I can weigh the same thing I did pre-baby and still wear another size clothes b/c of my belly. Why did God do this to women?

Cindy said...

God bless your husband.

I can't believe people are dumb enough to ask that question. I had to go on hormone regulation medicine after recovering from breast cancer. The object of it was to put me into a postmenopausal state, which was accompanied by the usual weight gain women normally experience with this change. The question reminds me that not only do I look heavier than I would like to but that I'll never have the second baby I wanted to. I totally do not mind that my explanation leaves them feeling almost as crappy as I do.

kenady said...

I feel your pain. After being pregnant 3 times, my stomach looks like it is scarred from a fire. I have not looked into surgery, YET. It is definitely an option!

The Mrs. said...

So glad I'm not the only one!

Steel Magnolia said...

Oh you are so not along. My stomach looks like a freakin' train wreck after delivering twins. I like you have lost all the weight and more....but still have the stomach....