
Friday Five- More Weird Stuff About Me

It scares me that there may be no end to this. I am just wacky!!! Heehaaw!

1. I ate sushi for the first time in Second Grade and have loved it ever since. I could seriously eat it for every meal. My Dad introduced me to it (Thanks Dad!) which was a pretty cool thing to do in the 70's when sushi was not as popular as it is now.

2. I do not know my left from my right. I am serious. I have tried to remember and can't! I have to look at the hand that spells L with my thumb and forefinger to be sure. Boy am i good at giving directions..."turn near the flower store and go towards staples"....

3. I get emotional at concerts. It usually has to be someone I love, but I just cry like a baby when I see a talented singer singing their hearts out. It just makes me so grateful to be alive. I just bawled when we went to see George Benson as he sang my favorite song: Masquerade.

4. I don't think white people can sing. I seriously only like black singers. I will give a pass to U2, Phil Collins and Billy Joel. Everyone else sucks. I seriously hate American Idol this year. Too many whiteys. I can say this cause I am one! No nasty comments please!!!

5. I could eat mayonnaise out of the jar. I seriously love it. My girlfriends from college would make fun of me because I would always order extra mayo on EVERYTHING. They would say I loved mayonnaise sandwiches. And I do. I really do.

I am tagging: Short Pump Preppy, Preppy Lizard, Figs Lavendar and Cheese, and Confessions of a Yummy Mummy, and of course anyone who wants to play on this Friday!!!
TGIF! PS spell check is working again!!!


Belle said...

I love mayonnaise, too. I would rather have mayo with my french fries than ketchup. I understand about the singing as well. Everytime I hear Jennifer Holiday sing anything, I get choked up and cry. She's amazing.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I have the same problem with my left vs. my right. I always forget which is which and double check by looking at my fingers. I am glad someone else does the same thing! BTW - I love sushi too! Yum!

justme said...

i too do not know my left from my right. i recall it being an Unsatisfactory mark on my report card. i just can not get the hang of it.

Libby said...

Oh my gosh I can so relate to #2! I can even do the hand trick and still say the wrong one! It's a running joke with my husband that it's best just to do the opposite of what I say!

Lindsey said...

I LOVED Miracle Whip sandwiches as a kid, but I hated mayo until I was pregnant, then it was my love!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Good post-and I don't think you are weird!!:) I love may on sandwiches, but mayo alone=YUCK! That is too funny!

Heather said...

What a fun post. I used to hate mayo (but liked miracle whip) but in the past few yrs, I have started to really want mayo on sandwiches. I cannot imagine eating it by itself though. Have a great day.

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I like the list. I always cray when I hear a pretty song in church. My sister-in-law is the same way about her left & right.
I give directions the same way you do. I never know if I'm north, south, east or west.

lizziefitz said...

so funny! The mayo sandwich thing made me gag. I love Billy Joel. He was a stable in our house growing up, along with U2, Bruce Springstein...

Anonymous said...

You're weird , but cool. Stay cool...

-The Mr.

Bridget said...

I have serious left/right issues too. It's embarrassing and I am HORRIBLE at giving directions. Why can't everyone just use map quest and stop calling me out? Sheesh ;)

Beth said...

You're so funny! I gotta admit I like the Mayo too...my husband is an odd one, he HATES it. I hope that's not a problem in the years to come:) Have a great weekend.

Preppy Lizard said...

Thanks for the tag. It was fun! Also, I updated my post with my shower routine. You were not the only one who asked....

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Too fun! I cry at concerts too and other events where pure talent is displated. I cried the first time I went to Indy500, weird I know. It was so amazing being in the pits, it was loud and when the stealth flew over, I lost it-crazy! Oh, I HATE mayo, I haven't had it since maybe 3rd grade. Weird. Have a great weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

What about white singers from decades past? Bing? Sinatra? Rosemary Clooney?

Kiki said...

I love your list and think you are super cool!! Its what makes you you, my husband says I'm whimiscal...I'll take that any day!!!

kenady said...

Super fun!

I adore mayo and love it on everything as well, but have never just had a mayo sandwich:)

I don't know my left from my right either, but have read somewhere that that is fairly normal for women because we think differently. Women's directions almost always have landmarks in them where men normally say go down .3 miles and turn left. Who knows!

U2 is the best band EVER! I adore Bono!

I can't remember what else was on your list, but it was fun nonetheless!

Have a great day!