
Hot Hot Hot!- How not to freak out when your baby has a fever

Landon freaked us out yesterday morning as we left Mammoth. He was bright red and crying at about 5am. We took his temperature and sure enough 102.6. It's easy to freak out when you see this number. You immediately think you need to head to the hospital! After all don't they die when they hit 103? The answer is NO.

My pediatrician has a website and here's a few goodies from the How To Handle a Fever page:

1) Fever is a natural way your body fights an infection so it's a good thing!
2) Fever will not cause brain damage or hurt your child whether it's 101 or 104 degrees.
3) Tylenol and Ibuprophen take about 30 minutes to work, so give it a chance.
4) A fever is very serious for babies 2 months an under.
5) Call the doctor if fever lasts more than 72 hours, if fever does not respond to medicine, or if it goes higher than 105.

We gave Landon liquid motrin and his fever came down in 30 minutes. He's acting like he's fine, which is making us feel a lot better.

Remember don't freak out!


Beth said...

Hope he feel better soon. It's the WORST when your baby gets sick like that. You can't help but panic when you see the thermometer reading so high. Thanks for the tips-they are really good ones:)

Greens and Pinks said...

My daughter had a temp of 104.8 at the pediatrician's office last year. Talk about a freak out. She was FINE, and it came down with tylenol but I was alarmed. Now, I see 102 I'm just like, "hmmm, someone needs some motrin!"

Hope the little guy is on the mend!

The Wife said...

I totally know the feeling! My 7 year old had a fever of over 105 last fall and it wouldn't come down. Yes, I freaked, but, of course, he is fine.

Suburban prep said...

My one sister's little guy (22 months) hit a high temp last month. Her 2 yr old quickly followed. My sister is a nurse and she was very concerned about the highs.
My other sister had Non-Hodgkin's and at times her temp would be as high as 105.3. She was in the hospital at those times.
She is now 6 1/2 yrs out from a bone marrow transplant.

Belle said...

Oh, I know. I've freaked out before. Mine are 6 and 9 and I still get nervous when their temp goes above 101.5. That's my freaking point. ;)

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

is he getting a tooth? Mine always ran fever teething. It can be scary see that number on the thermometer.
Glad he is doing better.

lizziefitz said...

I freaked just reading your post! I hate fevers , they scare me. I always wonder what is lurking around the corner(that their body was trying to fight with the fever) ear infection, uti? I won't go into detail but I fear taking them to the hospital way more than a fever. Let me just say a fever is mild compare to what they may catch in the ER.

Belle said...

I was reading snappycasual's comment and that makes sense. The doctor told me fevers and cold like symptoms could NOT be associated with a new tooth, but low and behold, everytime mine got a new tooth, high fever and sniffles. You never know...
BTW, I meant 'freaking out' point. :)

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

I would totally freak out. Good information to know. Hopefully some day, I will need to know all of this! :)

Libby said...

Wow, I'm impressed with how well you kept your cool. Pun totally intended. ;)

PaperCourt said...

Sorry to hear he wasn't feeling well. Carlitos had a fever last week and come to find out, he had an ear infection. Of course he suffered for days before I took him to the doc. I was convinced he didn't have an ear infection!

Preppy Lizard said...

I would have a freaked out too. I'm glad the little guy is feeling better.

Emily said...

Fevers and kids are a scary combo, but great reminders and tips for keeping your cool! Thanks for sharing! :)

The Mrs. said...

Snappy, not teeth! Has got em all but he does get a fever when he was getting them in!

Genuine Lustre said...

The fact that fevers are normal was a revelation when I had my first baby in 1990 and I started reading Dr. Mendehlsson's "How to Raise a Healthy CHild In Spite Of Your Doctor." That's the immune system at work - the last thing you want to do is suppress it. I don't even have a thermometer in my house anymore.

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Fevers freak me out-DD had one once that was 105 and it caused her to have a seizure and then she was hospitalized for 3 days with a blood infection! So now, everytime she has one, I can not settle down and worry, worry, worry, even though all of those things your dr. says are true! My dr. says the same things! I hope Landon is better soon.