
Back To Your Roots

Knowing who you are in life is paramount if you want to know where you're headed. For instance if you know your Mom is a pack rat, you can sometimes (rare it's true) avoid it by staying aware. (Not you Mom I swear! Okay yes it is her...)
Nevertheless I am proud of my southern roots. Born in Raleigh, North Carolina, I still feel like a Southerner even know I grew up mostly outside of NYC. My grandma, and Aunt and Uncle still live in Raleigh and when I visit I feel like I'm home.

Growing up, I used to love to watch Designing Women, even though it took place in Atlanta. I loved the southern accents and sassy attitudes of the southern ladies. One of my favorite lines from the show is by Mrs. Julia Sugarbaker:
"I'm saying this is the South. And we're proud of our crazy people. We don't hide them up in the attic. We bring 'em right down to the living room and show 'em off. See, Phyllis, no one in the South ever asks if you have crazy people in your family. They just ask what side they're on".

I just love that.

I love that we called my Great Grandmother Maamaa, that my father used to force feed us rutabaga, and that my mom makes the best fried chicken and gravy of all time. Sometimes, living in LA, I forget my roots. I need a reminder.

I keep this over my desk to help me remember who I really am.

"It must have been a Northerner who invented the questionnaire. A Southerner would have been more likely to think up an essay response.
Suppose a man is walking across a field. To the question "Who is that?" a southerner would reply: "Wasn't his grandaddy the one whose dog and him got struck by lightning on the steel bridge? Mama's third cousin -dead before my time- found his railroad watch in that eight-pound catfish's stomach the next summer just above the dam. The way he married for that new blue Cadillac automobile, reckon how come he's walking like he has on Sunday shoes, if that's who it is, and for sure it is".
A Northerner would reply to the same question, "That's Joe Smith". To which the Southerner might think (but be much too polite to say aloud), "They didn't ask his name! They asked who he is!"
-Harpers Magazine

I am a Southerner!


Amy said...

Amen girl! I'm a Texan who is now craving fried chicken, dang it!

Amy said...

Amen girl! I'm a Texan who is now craving fried chicken, dang it!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I enjoyed reading this post.! I am a southerner myself and got a good laugh out of the quotes. They are so true! Southerners do have their own ways!

Heather said...

I love it! :)

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Too funny! I wanted to thank you for your wording suggestions! Thanks to you, I decided to use "Aloha to Spring!" and my friends love it! Thank you!

Bridget said...

Northerner here to chime in, but I must say I know lots of Southerners and love em to pieces! They are so much fun!

OMG - love your star sightings section!! I'd lose my mind if I were seeing famous peole on a regular basis :)

Hillary Jordan said...

Indeed I am too!

Steel Magnolia said...

OOOOhhh, now I want some fried chicken and gravy. So proud to be southern, too...

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Me too!!! And I love that quote from Designing Women. Every now and then I will catch a re-run on a cable channel.

Preppy Lizard said...

Fried Chicken sounds so yummy!
I'm not southern but I loved reading your post...very entertaining!

Karen said...

I am a northern, but I just love the manners of the South..oh who cannot love sweet tea!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

There is something very different about being Southern. Being born and raised a southerner I understand everything you wrote.

Beth said...

Great post...I'm not a Southerner but you made me crave Fried Chicken and it's 10pm:)

Linda S said...

I loved Designing Women...I picked up a small southern drawl after every episode!

Kiki said...

I'm a NY-er who lives in the South, and while home will always be NY and I breathe easier there. The South is so lovely, and the people very dear, I can't walk anywhere without someone saying "Hey" and I love that. Plus, I love the yes ma'am thing...so old fashioned and quaint.

kenady said...

My favorite thing about the south is saying "y'all"! I adore living in the south, I adore annoying my northern friends by saying "yes ma'am" and "y'all". And now I want fried chicken:)

Belle said...

What a great post! Love the South. I remember that episode! I can just hear "Julia" saying that... so funny!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

So cute! I love Southerners. I would love to find a Southernly gentleman. :)

The Adventures of Maverick & the Mrs. said...

LOVE this post! Isn't it great to be Southern?!?! It truly is a different lifestyle, huh?

Got a question for you. I'm still a little green when it comes to the blog world. What is a blogroll? Have a super day!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Yay for the south! I love Designing Women and watching it is like comfort food for me. So I'm confused about you - you grew up in NC? Now for some reason I thought you grew up in Conneticut? You've been all over!

Anonymous said...