
Fabulous Find- Banana Republic Jewelry- Don't make me say it again!!!

I love it when my cute friend Missy comes to town. She used to live in LA but moved back to her home town of Kansas City. She still comes to LA a lot because of her hubby's business, so we end up seeing each other four or five times a year.

Whenever we get together it's eat, shop and nails...in that order! I know I have mentioned the Banana Republic jewelry in passing, in another post. I feel I must highlight the fabulousness of it. I had so much fun introducing Missy the Banana Republic jewelry. Once I had heard she really had never seen it, I said: "let's go experience the love of the Banana Republic jewelry together"! And so we DID!

Yes, their jewelry is fantastic, and well priced, but it is that little fish bowl on the cashiers counter that has the goods. Find their sale stuff and you will be blown away. Case and point:

Head Band : $2.97 (original price $22)
Earrings : $28.00 (original price $38)
Bracelet: $3.97 (original price $38)

Feeling you get when you think you have stolen these things the prices are so low: PRICELESS.

In case you don't believe me on the enamel bracelet:

And remember the bracelet I wanted in an earlier post? I was devastated that when I went to go get it they had sold out. Well low and behold....

I found it yesterday on my own at the mall with Landon. This was the deal of the century. They only had one, it was on sale, and I got it!!!

Original price: $48
My price: $4.31

It's made me happy all day! BINGO!


Kiki said...

Mrs., What good stuff, you have great taste and a good eye...A BR is opening here, this March, and I couldn't more pleased to really put my employee discount to good use!!!

kenady said...

Love that you love the BR jewelry! I always love a plug for one of my sister brands:)

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I love your bargains! Especially the bracelet! I am going to check out the jewelry counter at Banana.

workinthatpreppy said...

love, love the rhinestone bracelet. so glad you found it...

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Whay can I never be that lucky????

Heather said...

Excellent! I love your new finds, and what great deals!

Respectfully Submitted said...

I love BR jewelry too - and I love all the Tory Burch inspired clothes that they're doing this spring, a lot of which are already on sale (at least in New Orleans). Is it case "and" point? Or case "in" point? I always thought case "in" point but you are the writer so now I am thinking that I might be wrong (which is rare for me :))

lizziefitz said...

Sweet Deals little lady! I am going to have to get myself over to the local BR!

Anonymous said...

Love them all - especially the headband!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

LOVE it! Such a dealio!!!

Lindsey said...

Those are great deals, I mean, you almost HAD to buy them!

Cindy said...

Love love love all that green! And the price makes them all sweeter!

I have a gorgeous mint green bag I got from Anthropologie after it had been marked down twice. I saw it the second time, didn't buy it, went back because I decided I had to have it, and it was marked down again! I keep the price tag inside just to remind myself of my major retail victory.

The 5 Bickies said...

Such great deals. You have a great eye. Makes we want to run right over there. Until I remember...3 kids in tow, dinner to be made, homework to be done, kitchen to clean up. Alas, it will have to wait!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

tha tis my favorite part about shopping, one for accessories (shoes, jewelry, purses) & finding the best deals. When it is a crazy deal it does make your whole day!

Anonymous said...

They are all great - especially the cuff.

Linda S said...

headband is my fave!

Preppy Lizard said...

I love every piece you got! I need to head to BR right now. If there wasn't an inch of ice on the streets I would! Maybe tomorrow...

Karen said...

Great finds! BR has such great accessories and at a good price point. I'm thinking I need to get to BR soon, I am just loving all the green for spring.

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I was a little surprised about Christian winning too. I'm with you I thought Sweet P or even Chris might win it.

Buford Betty said...

BR totally has the best jewelry and it's so reasonable. Love it! It's my go-to spot when I want something fun.

The Adventures of Maverick & the Mrs. said...

That is WAY too cute, and that price?!?!?! Awesome find!

Michelle said...

Now, THAT is a good day!

Anonymous said...

Hothchee mama