
We did it!!!!

Just have to say it was an exciting game! Go Giants!


lizziefitz said...

Reese !! You are so lucky! I love her. I even tried to cut my bangs like hers...TRIED, But YIKES! Landon is so precious!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Awesome party Darling! Great planning, great cooking (Best Carrot Cake Ever), and even better...great friends!

A toast to the Hostess.

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

He is too cute in his little Giants jersey! Maybe you have a future NFL player there.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

What a cutie!

Kiki said...

So cute in his Giants jersey...and if that was your husband who made the first comment, well what a sweet man. Lucky girl... surrounded by good men all around!!! It was great game, I nearly lost my voice!!

Vita Fortunata said...

Cute pics! Thanks for stopping by my page.

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I'm with TPP, what a cutie!