Yes darlings I am OLD. O-L-D. How else can I explain that I am attending my 20th high school reunion? How in the world was it twenty years ago!!??
Was it that long ago that I, the Mrs, was a Miss? Wearing Silver City Pink lip stick, my cool Levis with holes in the knees, and my Ton Sur Ton jacket? If only I could click my red Mia flats and go back to those days. it was a hoot I tell ya.
I was not a great student, but I didn't try hard enough most of the time. I had a boyfriend named Peter who adored me, and a group of friends that were "cool". I played Lacrosse and, hung out at the local deli at lunch with my girlfriends. I never ate cafeteria food once. Never have, never will. I drove around in my navy Honda accord thinking life was fantastic.
There were hard times, my parents divorce, break ups, friendships that went sour...but all in all, I had a blast.
So here I am, still loving Culture Club, the Thompson Twins and Howard Jones. I am heading east for my twentieth, funniest thing is it was me who planned it. I wasn't in the Student Government, a cheerleader, head of the Math Club, or valedictorian. Just a girl who had fun in high school and wants to see everyone again and was sick of waiting for someone else to plan it!!
I am not worried about being the thinnest (hello, I'm pregnant!), the cutest, the one who's done the best in life...I am just grateful and happy to relive some of those days and thanks to Sirius Satelite Radios all eighties station I will be rockin' with my high school girls and singing.
When I get back I'll fill you in on all the gossip. Hey, it's still high school!
Just went to my 20th last weekend. So fun! I had red Mia flats, too and Culture Club was my 2nd concert (Rick Springfield- 1st)ever. So cool you planned it from CA!! We had the same type of girl plan ours. You will have so much fun!
I hope you have a wonderful time! I love high school reunions.
Have fun, fun, fun!!
Have a great time! It's my experience that the girls will all look fabulous and the guys, less so.
I'll be sporting a newborn at my 25th next summer - ack!
I keep meaning to contact my high school because ours should be coming up too and I don't think anyone will be able to get in touch with me. Have fun!!!!!
It's so fun to see the people who really know you. Have a great time!
That is wonderful that you organized your reunion! Have a wonderful time reliving those happy memories!
Have a great day!
Have sooo much fun!!
Oh my gosh!!! Have a great time!!!
"Hold me now, (baby won't you hold me) warm my heart... stay with me (woo hoo hoo stay with me), let loving start (let loving start)"
Ahhhh high school and the Thompson Twins....
Have fun!
Have a wonderful time!!!
ps. I adore my Sirius radio and the eighties channel is one of my favorites :)
Seriously? Can we keep you on the East Coast? Hope you have fun...sounds like a blast!
Have fun...Loved Silver City Pink. I alternated between that and Zinc Pink. I wonder if Revlon still makes those horrible shades?
Fun, fun, hope you have a safe and wonderful trip! Love rockin to the 80's channel on Sirius, great for road trips.
I'm a silver city pink wearing class of 88 too! Crank of the Expose and have fun!!!!
Have a great time!!!!
Have a great time at your reunion...I'm looking forward to your updates!!!
Have a wonderful time!
Wow! I was 4 years old when you graduated! I don't think you're "old", but I certainly thought you were younger! You look younger than you are! :) Have fun at the reunion!
Oh, HAVE FUN!!! :)) I've skipped all my reunions, but will probably go to my 20th (in two years!)
Have a great time!! I can't wait for my 20th reunion! I had so much fun in high school.
Hope you have fun at the reunion! Can't wait to hear all the juicy gossip! :)
Oh my gosh, I must be older than everyone.. I'm class of 87.
Love love love the sirius 80's station First Wave!! Don't forget about Duran Duran!!
Have fun at your reunion!
So funny that we graduated the same year...the 80's were so much fun although my own personal style was terribly underdeveloped during that time and I can barely stand to look at pics of myself looking so awkward!!!
I know you'll have a blast, stay away from tight cuff jeans....no matter what anyone says that is one trend that should not reappear!!!
I hope you have a great time at your reunion! It's so much fun to catch up and see what everyone is doing now.
My 20th reunion was so much fun! I had just given birth so I was lactating like crazy! Everyone was impressed with the size of my breasts!!
OMG Ton sur Ton - how could I forget!!! I was also a fan of 'Chipie' -don't know if you had that in the states or not! Cool Photo!
Oh, how fun! Enjoy...
Have a great time! I loved the eighties...thanks for the memories!
You are so not old....I am old! (Class of 86!) Oh - I still love my 80's music. And I've passed it on...my little man loves my Def Leppard greatest hits CD! I can't wait to hear all of your great gossip. :)
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