
Fear- False Expetations Appearing Real?

There is so much fear and panic going on in the world right now. The stock market, housing foreclosures, banks and companies folding under the pressure...Then there's the uncertainty of that the election brings. Not to mention Aubrey was kicked out of Danity Kane by Diddy last week and Cloris Leechman is still holding on. I know, that upset me too. It's been a tough couple of weeks.

What's a girl to do? I am a positive person but good gracious this puts positivity to the test doesn't it? I keep wondering what good it is to stay in a place of worry. In a state of fear and panic. No good comes from that. I mean that literally.

I know we are feeling the need to tighten our belts and batten down the hatches. Maybe reigning in the spending is good for all of us, but that is no reason you can't still be generous. Generosity is born in spirit not in your wallet. Don't be stingy with your hearts, no matter how bad things get.

Reach out to your friends and family, get together, cook a meal at home with one another! Build each other up and be there for each other. I think that's what this time is all about.

Do things for yourself that bring you joy. Go to the beach. Bake a pie. Carve a pumpkin. Life will go on. And so will you.

The Mrs.


Alison said...

What a great message! You are absolutely right! Thanks for this reminder...generousity doesn't have to mean spending money. I am going to be more generous with my smiles, my time and my cooking!

Have a great day!!

michelle said...

great post!

lizziefitz said...

So sweet. Everyone needs a good reminder,thanks.

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

What a timely, sweet reminder. Plus, you had me laughing at the Cloris Leachman bit.

Have a wonderful week!

Kate said...

What a wonderful post! So true - false expectations APPEARING real...I think if we sort of "check in" and adjust our perspectives - it's much easier to affect change in the world around us. I've always loved the Jonathan Swift quote, "We can change the wind, be we can adjust our sails."

And not being stingy with our hearts - definitely a good reminder:)

Happy Monday!

Mags said...

Excellent message!!! Thanks for reminding us to be generous in spirit and practice.

melissa said...

Beautiful message - cute photo too! :)


Melissa said...

Great message! You hit the nail on the head!

Surf Girl said...

What a wonderful post! Thanks for the reminder - we will get through this. :)

Monogramchick said...

Thanks for a great message, you're right life will go, let's spend time and concentrate on those most important to us!

Clare said...

thank you for the reminder!! there are so many wonderful things you can do as a family that don't cost a thing! the news is so depressing, and i can't stand to watch/listen to it at times!

i hope you are feeling well!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Totally agree.

Life is crazy right now, but we are trying to make the best out of it. I've been trying to do stuff with our son several times a week. Whether it's going to Disneyland (we have Season Passes), or just going to the park.

I don't want all this negativity that's going on right now to affect him. I want him to have as many opportunities that he can.

SLS said...

There is a surprise for you on my blog! =)

MOMMY-MOMO said...

Good advice! I liked reading this blog. It made me smile :)

Hillcrest Acres said...

What a great post. I'm so tired of hearing about the economy. My husband was in the mortgage business until last year and he's been semi-retired since. (I can't bring myself to say he's unemployed for some reason.) Thankfully, he knew the ups and downs of the business and saved accordingly. I don't need to be reminded every time I turn on the t.v. or stand in line at the grocery stores and see the headlines on the magazines of how bad the economy is. Yes, we are starting to buckle down on our spending and yes, we are scared about the future, but we still have to live life and raise our children in a happy environment. So I'm sending you a big thank you because I'm sure a lot of people enjoyed reading your post today!!!

Saucy said...

You are wise beyond your years. I try to keep my blog positive, an antidote to haters. I can see you do too! Complain not! This too shall pass.

Yellow Beads said...

great post, thanks for the reminder!! :)

Barefoot in the Park said...

just what i needed to hear. thank you :)

Elisabeth said...

Very well written...

Sandra said...

Fabulous Post! Thank you so much.

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

So true! And I am laughing about Cloris. My husband can not STAND her! Too funny!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

You are absolutely right! Outstanding post...

Live.Love.Eat said...

great post and so true. Thank you for stopping by. I just started The Shack last night. I am getting ready for intensity!

Caffeine Court said...

Yes indeed. We really do learn that the most important things in life can't be bought.

This too shall pass.

Claire said...

Thank you - as a widow - 63 yr old woman working in the newspaper business - and having survived 3 waves of lay offs at work with one more to come before Christmas - I needed this - thank you for opening a door for us to walk through.

Cindy said...

A very nice reminder. These are tough times indeed: aside from the economy, regardless of who wins the election, a lot of people are going to be really upset--we just don't know which ones yet.

Jill said...

That is so, so true! There is so much more to life than stuff....and we've gotten so far away from doing things with people that don't really cost much at all, but make wonderful, lasting memories.

3 Peanuts said...

I really like this post!! Very inspiring!
