Tomorrow is my amnio and I have to say I am a little scared. I am not a fan of needles, although between my blood thinner shot and now testing my blood sugar four times a day, I'm getting good at it!!
With Landon I chose not to have an amnio because we had jumped through such hoops to get pregnant that I didn't want to take the chance.
I was going to do an amnio this time anyway, just because, like you guys. I am dying to know the sex! But, turns out I needed one. Here's where you guys can help me with prayers! My numbers for downs were a little funky, doc says this is due to my age, but I am still scared. Please pray for baby that there is nothing wrong at all.
The good part is I may find out tomorrow what I'm having just by seeing it on the monitor... Either way I am on bed rest the rest of the day after the test. So no trick or treating with little Bob the Builder, but I'll be able to take pictures of him! I'm sad but I want to get this done asap.
I hope everyone is getting excited for Halloween!!!
Praying for you and your little one. I am sure everything will be fine.
Can't wait to hear what you are having and to see pics of your little Bob the Builder!
Everything will be fine. I had an amnio too and it was pretty easy.
Everything will be fine with the baby! A friend GYN/OB said that since this is your second, there are such low incidences of anything problems. Just one of the things we have to do...
You and your beautiful baby are in my prayers.
You and yours are in my prayers.
You are definitely in my prayers. Just remember the stats of problems from amnios is VERY small. Everything will be OK. Best of luck to you.
Oh hon, that test has a huge rate of false positives. I will be praying for you!
You will definitely be in my prayers. And everything will be just fine. Don't worry.
Tell us all about it as soon as you can.
Sending good thoughts to you & baby-on-board.
You and your little one are in my thoughts and prayers.
i am thinking about you! i know that you are probably so scared, but everything will be fine! the docs are probably just being safe!
I will be praying for you both.
I am sorry that you must go throught this- I am sure it is a scary time- but we will all be thinking of you and it will be over before you know it. I can't wait to hear the news that your baby is healthy and happy in your belly!
Can't wait to know if it is a boy or girl!
I'll pray for you! Good luck tomorrow. Can't wait to find out what you're having!
My prayers will be with you and sweet baby-to-be.
Best of luck on the test results tomorrow...I still think you are having a little girl!!!
My prayers will be with you and sweet baby-to-be.
Best of luck on the test results tomorrow...I still think you are having a little girl!!!
good luck tomorrow! i do wish you all the best!
best of luck, thinking of you! :))
Good luck - you will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Good luck! I will definitely keep you in my prayers tomorrow.
I'll be thinking of you and baby sweetie~pie tomorrow. Lots of prayers being sent your way. I hope "Bob" has a great trick-or-treat!
Lots of love,
First of all, i was terrified of needles but ended up having to test my blood sugar four times a day too! You kind of get used to eat. Plus it helped me not eat everything in sight like I wanted to.
Second, I will be praying and thinking of you tomorrow. I am sure everything will turn out find and I can't wait to hear what you are having. Keep us posted!!
I'll be praying for you!
You are in my prayers. I am sure everything will be just fine :)
Thinking of you today!
I know everything is going to be okay, but I am praying for you anyway. :)
I'm a day late, and your amnio is already over, I'm sure...but thinking of you anyway! I had one with Adam and when they stuck that needle in....whoa baby! But all was well and no problems. I'm just sure you'll be fine. Good thoughts being sent your way.
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