
Dear Jet Blue

Dear Jet Blue,

We need to talk. We had a good thing going didn't we? I flew you every chance I got because your flights are always so stress free. Better terminals, stewards and stewardesses, and of course TV!

My flight yesterday shows me you are not feelin' the love anymore. You know I love some kids Jet Blue, I have one of my own and one on the way! I know they can be tough, but when you let parents let their kids run up and down the aisles, cry incessantly and trash your plane things have gone too far. You need to tell these parents to tend to their kids even though they should know better than to try to take a nap while their four kids go crazy.

It also wasn't very nice to turn down the air conditioning to the point where passengers are sweating, reset the TV's and be without them for a half hour and take at least two hours to serve drinks (as we're sweating).

Now I'm not saying we're breaking up, I'm just saying I'm unhappy. You've got another chance when I fly back home. Unfortunately though some damage has been done. When they turned off the TVs you were just another crappy flight on another crappy airline. There, I said it. Sorry. I just couldn't help myself.

I hope we can stay together. I love those Blue Terra chips.


The Mrs.


Anonymous said...

OMG that sounds awful. I hate it when they turn the ac off after they land and you're waiting to get out and I start feeling puke-y.

Belle said...

You know I don't fly. But seriously, being on an airplane, confined (claustrophobic), no air (very hot natured), sweating (easily nauseated)?? I'd have been the woman in the Airplane movie where people lined up to smack her. I'm not even kidding. I so hope you have a better flight back. Thinking of you and baby while you're traveling.

(sorry about the Debby Downer vibe!)

Sandra said...

Well, they are lucky that you are NOT ending it! :) What a nightmare of a trip. But it made for a great post!!

Yellow Beads said...

Okay, another good reason why I don't fly anymore!! Seriously, customer service today SUCKS!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

That really sucks. I've never flown Jet Blue but always wanted too.

Midwest Prep said...

uuggggg....sometimes I hate to fly...

PaperCourt said...

And to be pregnant on top of that mess? Poor thing.

Amanda said...

I'm sorry you had a bad flight! Was it late at night when they turned down the aircon? So often when I fly, airlines choose to heat the plane up when they think it is 'sleeping time' and cool it down when it's 'time to wake up'. This irritates me too because I hate feeling hot and uncomfortable while I'm on a flight!

Just be glad you're not doing flight over 13 hours in about a week like me. :)

Surf Girl said...

That sounds awful! I hate it when it gets hot on the plane - there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry you had such a yucky flight and hopefully (for their sake!) the next one is better!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I flew US Air this week...no rowdy children but it was hot, there wasn't any TV at all, and NO refreshments unless you wanted to pay $2 for a soft drink/water/the worst coffee in the world or $7 for wine/mixed drink.

Leslie said...

I have to say that I am traveling this week and i hope my relationship with Delta does not go down hill! :) I will be the one on the plane with two toddlers by herself because my husband is going home earlier than me. keep your fingers crossed that mine behave!! Please!!!

Kiki said...

Oh gosh, bless your heart and yet somehow you turned it into funny blog fodder!!!!

I hate to fly and anything unpleasant about it just adds to the anxiety...now if I could just take a train from my house to San Diego in January I'd feel much better. You know I'm trying to find someone to road trip with me...anything to avoid flying!!!

Kate said...

I hate when people let their kids run wild in public - and especially on an AIRPLANE!! We have flown all over the place with the kids and we never let them run around the plane!

Jill said...

I've never flown Jet Blue...but boo-hiss for the kids running wild. What's wrong with parents who let them do that, anyway???