
Happy Halloween!!! From Rasta Cat!

Yes I had to. I needed a laugh!

I'll be blogging from my bed today and I'll let you know how everything goes!


Jessi said...

Hope everything goes well. I'll be thinking of you.

Clare said...

good luck, i am thinking and praying for you!!!

Kayris said...

Okay. Your cat looks just like mine. Did my cat take a road trip to your house and I didn't even realize it?

Good luck today!

Always Organizing said...

How cute!!! My cat would probably bite my hand off if I tried to put her in a hat.

I know everything will be just fine and look forward to an update later.

Katie Ryan said...

Let us know how it goes soon. We're waiting ...

Andy said...

Thinking about you today.

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Too cute! Good to keep your sense of humor with all the testing...smart move!

TuTu's Bliss said...

lol That's great!!

Cindy said...

He really doesn't seem to mind too much. Maybe he knows how good he looks!

Sending good thoughts your way! The amnio is a bummer, but knowing that everything is ok is a nice payoff. And of course knowing the sex is fun!

Jen said...

Can't wait to hear if it is a boy or girl!!!

Karen said...

Ha! Those photos are just too funny! Thanking of you and praying all is well.


preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

wow, your cat is tame. my cat would be sratching to get that off his head! too cute!

Surf Girl said...

Love Rasta Cat!!