
Fabulous Five for Friday- My Icons

My post on the show Iconoclasts made me think of who my dream meet and greet would be with. Who are my icons? Who would I love to sit down with and soak up everything they say!? This is real so I am not going to say my Grandmother or Jackie O! Alive people! Here's my top five:

1. Carol Burnett-
I have loved Carol Burnett since I was a child. I love her whole story about being raised by her Grandma (the whole reason she tugged her ear on the Carol Burnett show was a nod to her), and how gracious she was to her co-stars. Her talent was rare, in that she made others laugh but could laugh at herself. Who didn't love when she would just crack up! I saw her in Moon Over Buffalo on Broadway a few years ago and she's still got it! I lllllllooooooove her as Ms. Hannigan in the movie Annie! I would love to sit with her and ask her how she juggled career and kids, what are her regrets, biggest acheievements, and biggest laughs!

2. Maya Angelou-

I could just weep when she speaks and her poetry brings me to my knees. So much wisdom, I would just love to ask her about being a woman and what she feels the best part of her life has been. I'm sure she'd say right now!

3. Sally Field-

Sally Field has had the longest and I think sanest career, while having a family and not ending up looking like a plastic surgery victim. She is vulnerable and wise and I would love to pick her brain about the entertainment world and motherhood!

4. Deepak Chopra
I am almost afraid to spend time with him! Such a deep river. I think he would force me to meditate! I need it!

5. My preacher-

I could talk to him all day and still feel like I have more questions. He is amazing and has helped me through the toughest times in my life and inspires me to connect and reach out to people.

I am tagging anyone who wants to do this! Let me know if you do!


Anonymous said...

I love sally field- she's the reason I started watching Brothers and Sisters...and got hooked.

Belle said...

I LOVE Carol Burnett. I watched the carol burnett show all the time growing up. She was even funny to a 6yr old. Amazing. I would love to see her live. I am truly sorry that I never got to see Madeline Kahn live. I loved her all my life, too. What an amazing actress/comedian/woman. Broke my heart when she died.

Eloise said...

I heard Maya Angelou speak at a luncheon once (along with 1000 of my nearest and dearest friends - ha ha). She was absolutely mesmerizing - quite a gifted storyteller and so very inspiring.

I enjoyed your post!

Danielle Moss said...

I love love love Sally Field. Always have...

Do you watch Brothers and sisters?

Waiting for your email so we can get going ;)

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

You have to try some of Ina Garten's recipes. I have never made one of her recipes that was not delicious. She has a great recipe for garlic mashed potatoes, steak sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, vinaigrettes, etc, etc.

You can visit http://www.foodnetwork.com/ina-garten/index.html to check out some of her recipes before you buy a cookbook. She also has a show called The Barefoot Contessa.

I hope you are doing well! I am excited that are you pregnant! It seems like everyone is pregnant right now.

Enjoy your weekend!

Jen said...

I left an award for you over at my blog. Check it out!

Cool post! My husband loved the show with Laird and Eddie that you referenced in your other post, and had it on tivo for.ev.er!

I love questions like this, and would definitely have Oprah, not sure who else yet. Maybe Gwenyth Paltrow. Probably a favorite author. I'd also like a wise, spirtual leader, but not sure who yet. Fun to think about...

Yellow Beads said...

I love Sally Field as an actress, but don't know more about her as a person. Good choices!

Jill said...

I love Carol and Sally. I am in the midst of watching DVDs of Brothers and Sisters starting with Season 1 and I just love her in it!

Angela said...

yah for sally field.

Clare said...

i love your icons, sally field is awesome!!