
What's for Dinner Week!!! And the BAD news!

Okay, I failed my glucose test. I had to have the 3 hr glucose test earlier this time in my pregnancy. The steroids make the sugar thing worse and I was borderline for gestational diabetes last time. So now I have to go on a special diet and check my blood sugar four times a day!!! JOY!

I am trying not to be too put out by the whole thing....I mean I am pregnant! I am happy and will do whatever it takes!

On to the next recipe! TUNA CASSEROLE!!!


1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 can of cream of celery soup
1 pint of sour cream
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 Teaspoon garlic salt
1 Teaspoon onion salt
1/2 Teaspoon lemon juice
1 large can white albacore tuna in water
1 16 oz package of egg noodles
shredded cheddar cheese
bread crumbs

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Boil egg noodles drain and cool (run cold water over it after it's done). Combine first 8 ingredients in a large bowl. Add noodles after they are cooled. Pour into greased 2 quart casserole pan. Top with cheese and then bread crumbs. Bake for 15 minutes at 400 degrees, until cheese melts. Serve with peas of broccoli.
Sooooooooo good!


Linda S said...

I'm sorry...that's a pain, but you'll be fine knowing why you are doing it!

These recipes have looked yummy so far!!

Belle said...

Oh no. Well, your docs are on it, and just think of what you get in return. A sweet wonderful little bundle of love. I'm so excited for you!!!

BTW, the recipes are looking so yummy.

Lamp Tramp said...

Sorry to hear your news, I assume they can't put you on meds being pregnant? Is that why you have to check BS 4X a day? Oooch!xoxo!

Andy said...

I feel your pain! Hang in there. Know this, after six weeks on that diet with my first, I fit into things I hadn't been able to wear for YEARS, SIX days after she was born. As things level out, you will know what you can and cannot eat, and you'll be able to test less often. Protien is your new best friend. On a more positive note, I had a teensy bit of apple crisp before bed last night, and my numbers were fine this morning. Good luck!

Lori said...

Oh ho, I'm sorry about the whole glucose thing! It is a bummer, but like you said, it's awesome that you're pregnant and it's great that you have health care to even know these things. I hope the whole nausea thing is getting better too!
The casserole looks yummy! And easy too! Another great menu idea for me! Thanks!

Andy said...

How many weeks are you?

justme said...

i had the GD while prego both times, i never had to take meds or insulin, i was able to control with diet, plus even getting light exercise will help.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am sorry to hear that you failed your blood glucose test. I hope it will be easy to control.

Yellow Beads said...

Steroids are such a strong drug! I'm on them now for an allergic reaction and they can do some freaky stuff (they always mess with my eyes!). Sounds like you have the right attitude!

Pink Flamingo said...

Oh no, I am very sorry to hear the news about your test. Hang in there!

On a brighter note,talk about some serious comfort food...YUM! Thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

I had a friend with GD while pregnant. She said what she got out of it was learning a lot about how food effects our body and eating for health. So there's always a positive!!

Scarlet O'Kara said...

I am so sorry to hear that you have to go back for the 3 hour blood sugar test. I was boarderline with my oldest daughter and one of the lucky few that didn't have any blood sugar issues with my second.

Make sure that your meter lets you test on different parts of your body...then test on the "drumstick" part of your thumb or the top of your elbow. Those were the best spots that I used with my first full pregnancy.

I was suppose to stay on the diet too, but it made me feel awful. So, I just watched what I ate and tested my blood first thing in the morning, 20 minutes after I ate, and before I went to bed. It worked for me...

Can't say that I will try your Tuna recipe. Not much of a fish person...but my family loves "Tuna Nuna Casserole".

MOMMY-MOMO said...

ahhh bummer! I'm sorry. My best friend had that too and her diet sucked! But she was also a stickler. I agree TRY to enjoy your pregnancy :)

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Oh no. But like you say...it will all be worth it, right! :) Good luck with the new diet.

Kate said...

Oh boo about the GD:( I guess you could make the Tuna Casserole sans noodles or with whole grain ones! I am really guessing that you are having a GIRL....with anecdotal support. I remember my SIL who is an OB nurse telling me that most of her GD patients are pregnant w/ girls!

Surf Girl said...

I'm sorry about your glucose test. But you're right...it will be so worth it in the end!
Your recipes have looked so yummy this week - I am trying the meatloaf this weekend. :)

Always Organizing said...

So sorry to hear this! I hope you will still be able to eat some yummy things on your new diet :)

Clare said...

I love that it is all in one pot, so easy and perfect!

I am so sorry about the glucose test, that stinks!!

PaperCourt said...

Ugh. Sorry to hear about the GD. Hang in there!

Claire said...

I keep telling myself that I am not going to print out anymore recipes and then you come along with really cozy yummy looking recipes and here I go again...

Becky said...

Hey there Mrs.! Thanks so much for visiting my blog; I just found yours recently and check it often.
My sister has had 4 children and failed glucose tests with 2 of them. It's fairly common and just another one of "those things" that go along with the "blessed state" of pregnancy. At least you're nearing the halfway point? That probably doesn't make you feel better. Oh well, this too shall pass. And you'll forget all about it when Baby comes! Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Hi L, Sorry to hear about the test, but I do love some yummy tuna delishishness.

Love to the whole brood.

Uncle PW

Melissa said...

Oh no! My friend had to do that, but it was so worth it when she had her sweet baby boy! I think you have a good attitude about it and I hope there's no more bumps along the way!

Angie said...

Oh no! I am sorry to hear that you have to take shots, in the end it will be worth it because you will have a beautiful baby.

I love this recipe too! Keep them coming, I bought the stuff at the grocery store to make the tuna casserole and the chicken pot pie! I can't wait to try them.

Eloise said...

So sorry to hear about your glucose test! Hopefully you'll find the accomodations easy to make and will feel GREAT as a result.

Hugs to you.

lizziefitz said...

"Yes, I would like to partake in your PECAN pie." When Harry Met Sally. Thanks for the invite:)

Monogramchick said...

I am so sorry you have to go through the blood testing/special diet thing...that stinks.

I am so glad you posted this recipe...I love tuna and have been wanting to find some kind of tuna casserole, this one looks fabulous. i think this is going on our table tonight!

Jill said...

Boo hiss about the blood sugar...but, you're right, you are still very blessed!

Beth said...

Bummer about the glucose test:( The good news is that your meals look delish!!!!