
Fabulous TV! Are you watching?

I cannot believe I haven't even mentioned the Desperate Housewives first episode of the new season!

I'm not sure I like the 5 year jump ahead, but I guess they're trying to keep it interesting. I feel like Gabby is going nowhere in her storyline, fat, fat kids and blind hubby. Boring. Edie being back has caused a little intrigue...her hubby seems creepy...(met him at a party by the way! So sweet!) Love Bree's whole deal. What happened to Lynettes third kid?

Project Runway has been interesting to say the least. I am so sick of Kenley (I wasn't going to elegant Heidi!) Such a brat! instead of kicking her ass off for the UGLY dress they are giving her a chance to show at fashion week! I don't think she's going to make it. I feel like LeeAnn might win if she can stop freaking out!

Dancing With The Stars is making me happy because I loooove Lance Bass and my girl Lacey from "So you think you can dance!" Who knew Brooke Burke could dance!!! And Cloris Leechman needs to go!!!

Supernanny is coming back on! Can't wait! What are you watching?


Kate said...

Loved the Grey's Anatomy premiere - missed Private Practice premiere. We're watching Fringe - it's interesting but seems like it's better suited for a miniseries rather than a whole show. Spent all summer watching all of LOST (seriously - besides the occasional movie - that's the only tv we watched this summer!) and now I am having Lost withdrawl until it comes on in January:(

Linda S said...

Exact same things you are, when I can grab the tv away from little one and Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill (which isn't bad).

I too can't stand the bratty Kenley. What are they really expecting to see from her?

I didn't think I would like Brooke at all in DWTS, but she is awesome and a fighter! And they need to keep some oxygen on hand for poor Cloris!

kenady said...

Have been enjoying the Mentalist. Very interesting spin on psychics hired to be consultants for the police.

Am waiting patiently for Lost to come back on.

Other than that I don't have much time for TV:)

Hope you are feeling well!

Bamawhitney said...

I am loving Grey's and I am all about the Bravo Reality shows--Rachel Zoe, Top Design, Project Runway, Tabitha's Salon Take-over, I love them all!!! Oh and Dancing with Stars as well, just wish Cloris was gone as well! Congrats on your pregnancy

Yellow Beads said...

Okay, ready for this!? 90210. Yup, I said it...and I like it!

Melissa said...

I really liked Kenley at the beginning, but her attitude now makes me sick. She needs to go.

I am loving DWTS too! I heard Misty May broke her ankle and is off the show now tho :(

AMY said...

Hubby and I are addicted to House. I've yet to see any of this season's episodes. I usually rent the season on DVD and we have a House Marathon when the kids go to bed.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Cloris has got to go!

Courtney said...

What a little trooper Landon is. He is adorable sitting in his chair with his blue cast!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

I am also a "Project Runway" fan - go Team Korto. Ditto the Kenley sentiments; I think she has talent and really liked her from the get-go, but no one gets nasty with my fantasy GBFF, Tim Gunn, and gets away with it. No one.

My other TV loves are "Mad Men" and "The Office".

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Poor Cloris Leachman...I'm impressed on one level at her energy level but feel so embarrassed for her otherwise. I'm with you on Housewives...the "time travel" thing has thrown me a little but I suppose that might have been the intent. We'll see how it goes! OH...check my blog...I think you'll find a surprise for you!

The 5 Bickies said...

Lots of TV watching and catching up this weekend...Loving Private Practice, Lipstick Jungle, Desperate Housewives, Top Design, Divine Design, and can't wait for The Real Houeswives of Atlanta! We also watch Survivor and Amazing Race with our kids...wish they would censor though!

Kate said...

I think I am the only college student who watches Supernanny :)

Monogramchick said...

i am such a tv junkie...i think my fave is AMC's mad men!

Jill said...

I'm trying to get back into Desperate Housewive this season, but so far I've missed watching it for one reason or another (probably too much laundry to do!). I did catch the season premier of Dirty, Sexy, Money last week...loved it. I am also looking forward to Tim Gunn's show again and I do like Dancing with the Stars.

Alison said...

I love Project Runway and Super Nanny too! I am very excited to see the finale of PR. I also love the Office, Entourage, and when Lost comes back! I guess you could say I have a lot of "shows". haha

I hope you have a great Monday!

Jen said...

I'm off to watch Deperate Housewives and I have Lipstick Jungle on Tivo! I also am planning on 'tivo'-ing Starter Wife, which I believe starts on Friday. BTW, I am staring a 'series' this week on my blog about positive thinking. I got the idea of doing a week of posts on the same topic from you, I'm pretty sure. I wanted to refer to you actually on today's post, but I'm still not sure of the ettiquette (is it Ok to refer to and post a link on your blog to someone else's blog without asking first.) Anyway, just wanted to know that was inspired by your weekly series idea. : )

Ann said...

I hope the Desperate Housewives storyline picks up, not enjoying it as much as the other seasons. I love 'Entourage' and 'Heroes'. And Prison Break when I have the time. Although my hubby is excitedly awaiting Jack Bauer "24".

Surf Girl said...

The two shows I absolutely must watch are Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters. Love them! I can't really get back into Grey's Anatomy - kinda boring. And I cannot wait for the Starter Wife. I watched the marathon on USA this weekend to get ready!!

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

In agreement on Desperate Housewives, I do like where they're going with Edie's weirdo husband. And I'm curious to see what will happen with Gabi.

Greys - not so overwhelmed with excitement except the first 5 minutes.

LOVE Private Practice, awesome premiere.

LOVE LOVE Brothers and Sisters, again amazing premiere.

And I could not agree with you more - Cloris. Must. Go. Seriously, I can't stand to watch the show anymore with her on it - she is so very obnoxious! I have it on DVR since we watched the debate last night, so I still don't know if my wish has been granted. Fingers crossed! I feel bad for Misty.