
High School Musical 1988- The Reunion

Had a wonderful time, and even now the song : "Our House", by Madness, rings through my ears..."our house in the middle of our street..." Don't make me break into "safety dance".

I was happily surprised at the turn out (100 plus) and even more amazed at how great everyone looked!!! Twenty years later and most people had not gained weight or lost their hair! (well, most people...) I planned the whole thing, and by plan, I mean I hired a company to do it all because no one else would and I didn't want to shell out any money! It was such a cheesy affair but still fun!

Mom dropped me at BFF's house at 10am and then we picked up two other BFf's. We then went into town so I could experience my favorite high school lunch from the deli: Chicken cutlet sandwich! It's a chicken cutlet on a roll with melted Muenster cheese and tomato, topped with Russian dressing! HEAVEN!
Then it was off to BFF's mom's house to look at photo albums and die laughing. Then to the Ritz where we primped, ate, drank and laughed more. Then drinks in the lobby with other high school ladies and on to the reunion!

Here's the gossip- as promised...

-Hot football player may now be working for the CIA? He was vague about his job on the hill" but word on the street is he's a spy!

-Old high school boyfriend told me I still smelled fantastic. Hello? Ego boost? Thank God. Chalk one up for pregnant girl.

-Good guy friend had gone to jail for insider trading and now seems pretty happy. Glad to see him doing well.

I was the only pregnant one there (that I saw), but some had just had babies. I tell you I was exhausted when I returned Sunday! Could barely move!
Big Thanks to hubby who held down the fort like a champ and managed to get sooooo much of the new improvements to the kitchen done!!! Love you hubby!!!!


Midwest Prep said...

oooh looks fun! It is so interesting to see how peoples lives change and evolve- with some people from highschool you think-- what? How do you have a job- you are such a goofball- but your forget that you knew them when you were kids! They grew up too! Crazy..it sometimes is strange to think that other people are out living their lives while we are living ours- even if we loose touch with them. Glad you had a good time.

Linda S said...

best part is always looking at the albums with friends and laughing...the cheeks hurt for days! glad you had a ball!

Yellow Beads said...

Glad you have fun; love the gossip-ha!

Eloise said...

Glad you had such a fun time! Sounds like the reunion was a grand success.

Always Organizing said...

What a cute group!!! I now have "Safety Dance" in my head as I sit here at work :)

Tippy said...

You look fantastic!!!

Sarah M said...

Did you grow up in Greenwich?? I noticed the familier Lilly Store and of course L'Escale. So lovely!

Claire said...

I used to design the store windows in a little boutique in Greenwich - and have friends that live on the Sound in Greenwich - just wanted to let you know that I watched Juno this wknd and really liked it - in fact I bought the soundtrack at Walmart on Sat.

WSU Laura said...

As I am sitting here humming Safety Dance...too funny. Great picture of all of you! At my 20 year the women looked awesome and the majority of the men not so much.Sounds like you had a wonderful time and a lot of good gossip. Thanks for sharing and welcome back.

Caffeine Court said...

You all look gorgeous! Let me guess, Homecoming Queen, Prom Queen, Head Cheerleader and Class President?

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

SO happy that you had a good time. My 30th (YIKES) reunion is next year. I hope my crowd has a chance to get together.

Clare said...

oh, it looks like it was a blast! i had my ten year reunion last year and it was hilarious to see how many people had gained weight or lost their hair, hehe!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

love the gossip...even though I dont know them. still fun :)

Angie said...

Wow! How fun, you all look fab in the picture!!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

So glad you all had a great time! I had the best time at my 20th 2 weeks ago. We want to have a 25th next! I loved catching up with everyone.

Elisabeth said...

Sounds like you had fun! Just saw the news about DWTS---your pal Cloris got the boot! You must've been so happy!

Kate said...

What a great photo! I hope I'll have a similar one with my HS friends :)

Surf Girl said...

It sounds like you had a great time. (I loved the gossip!)