
Reunion Weekend!

I had a great time at my reunion (more on that tomorrow), and a great time seeing my Mom and Step Dad.

Their house is so gorgeous in the fall I just had to share some pics!

Mom and I spent the day together and took a trip to mecca, I mean Lilly Pulitzer.

I saw this cute French bull dog "Luke", laying under the children's clothes....

and here's the outfit I would dress my daughter in if I get the chance to have one!!!

We had lunch at a fabulous place called L'escale, right on the water...

And had manicures! Such a treat! Thanks Mom!

Please send prayers my Step Dad's way as he undergoes a procedure tomorrow to unclog an artery...I'm praying for you Bob!


Anonymous said...

Their property is gorgeous.
Doesn't Lilly just give you that warm and fuzzy feeling? :)
Wishing your Stepfather well wishes.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I'm glad you had a fun time visiting your mother and step father. I will say a prayer for your step dad today.

Jess said...

I'm glad you had a safe and fun adventure. Your parents place looks fall fabulous. Well wishes to your stepdad for his procedure.

Always Organizing said...

Best wishes to your Stepdad, I will keep him in my prayers.

What great stuff at the Lilly store!

Always Organizing said...

Best wishes to your Stepdad, I will keep him in my prayers.

What great stuff at the Lilly store!

Kate said...

That dog photo is adorable!

michelle said...

that picture with the dog is priceless!

Clare said...

love the pictures and it looks like a great weekend, glad all of the traveling went safely!!

Anonymous said...

Love Lilly... what a fun trip.

FYI - You can find tons of cute Lilly things for little girls on Ebay for a lot less. This past summer I bought Little S three shift dresses (all new) for about $12 each. I've also heard rumors of Lilly dresses at Costco, though I have never been so lucky as to find any.

Suzanne said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! Sending good wishes to your step dad!

Melissa said...

If I remember correctly, doesn't your mom live in Greenwich? If so, you were RIGHT near where I work when you were on the Avenue at the Lily store! :)

Elisabeth said...

Glad to hear you had a great reunion weekend. Those outfits are totally adorable and preppy! Too cute!

Your stepdad is in my thoughts.

Sweet Pea Chef said...

That outfit is too cute.

Prayers for your stepdad...

Anonymous said...

Well wishes for your step dad. Don't you just love Greenwich. We stop in Greenwich everytime we visit my husband's brother in Fairfield. Thanks for telling about the restaurant. I will definitely put it on my list of restaurants to visit.
Take care!

Sandra said...

Glad you had a great weekend! will be thinking about your step-dad :)

Eloise said...

Great pictures. Love the fall foliage and the bulldog in the Lilly store! Can't wait to hear more about your reunion. Did you plan that thing from all the way across the country?! I'm impressed!

Barefoot in the Park said...

I hope you had fun at your reunion!

Lori said...

The outfit is adorable! I'm glad your step-dad is doing better.
The reunion pic is so cute, what pretty girls you all are! It sounds like it was a good time!!