

I am home and fine. The amnio was scary but the doc said she thinks everything looks good. No news on the sex though! Little baby would no cooperate!!!! Have to wait for results to know the sex! Rats!!!


CashmereLibrarian said...

Great news! (I just know it's gonna be a girl ;-))

Always Organizing said...

Great news! Sorry you didn't find out the gender yet, but I'm sure you will hear soon :)

Angie said...

Yeah!! Congrats I am so glad everything is ok, hopefully you will find out the sex soon!!

Caffeine Court said...

I'm so glad it went well! The good news is, if the results are good, then you know it's alright.

Those other tests are so weird when they factor in age, it always comes back a little negative.

I'm so excited for you.

Anonymous said...

that is so good to hear...i am home, in bed (by choice) with laptop on lap, and watching the starter wife....love that show.

Linda S said...

yay! glad to hear good news!

Kiki said...

Keeping you in my prayers...so excited that it went well!!! You are a trooper and this little baby is going to be a wonderful addition to your already amazing family!!!

Be strong and of good courage...

Suzanne said...

Glad everything went well. Apparently this baby wants to leave you in suspense a bit longer!

Katie Ryan said...

I'm so relieved! Thanks for letting us know. Now I can't wait to find out if your having another gorgeous boy or a girl!

News Readin' Wife said...

So happy to hear things went well!

No need to find out the sex...we all know it's going to be a fabulous baby girl! :)

I meant to ask previously from your reunion post - Are you a Greenwich girl?

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am happy all that is behind you. Too bad you didn't find out the sex though!!

Eloise said...

So glad to hear the amnio went well. Enjoy your day of enforced rest!

Bridget said...

Glad it's behind you, can't wait to hear. My youngest was feeling shy and wouldn't reveal her gender either. I recommend a can of coke prior - little sugar and caffeine to get em hopping

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

So glad you're done with that...

Mags said...

Glad to hear all went well!!! I'm looking forward to finding out what you are having...I'm hoping for pigtails with pink and green ribbon. :)

Hillcrest Acres said...

So glad to hear everything is fine. Now just sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

So glad everything went well - scary thing to go through! best wishes.

Yellow Beads said...

How long before you get the results?

ilovepink said...

I am so glad everything is fine. I can't wait to see if it's a girl or a boy!

Leslie said...

I am so glad everything turned out fine!! Can't wait to hear the sex...keep us posted!

Surf Girl said...

I'm so glad to hear it went well! Sorry about the uncooperative baby. Could that mean a girl???

James Michael said...

I am so glad everything looks good. I had an amnio and it doesn't necessarily hurt but isn't it weird how you can feel the needle enter all different layers of your body. So strange...
Looking forward to hearing if it's a boy or girl.

melissa said...

So happy to hear all went well. I know how scary having an amnio is -and it's hard waiting for the sex news!


kenady said...

Glad everything went well! I still think it's a girl:)

MOMMY-MOMO said...

Yay! Thats awesome new!!! congrats :)

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

I was able to get online for a minute tonight and went straight to catch up on your blog first! I am so glad your amnio went well. I had one with my first and it was scary! Landon was so cute on Halloween. Just think, next year he will have a little one tagging along with him! I think it's a girl!

Beth said...

Glad you are doing well! Can't wait to hear about the sex:) (I've been offline and wasn't ignoring your tag by the way...my computer hard drive bit it. Hopefully it will be fixed soon...I miss catching up on the blogging world)

The Rockin' Wife said...

Wonderful news. I am placing my bets with a girl.

BTW I finally did your tag.... sorry for the delay. It took me a while to actually sit uninterrupted for any length of time.