
Not so Fabulous- Southern California Fires

I was walking with Landon today and I can smell all the ash in the air. The sun is covered by an ominous haze. It feels like Armageddon. I don't live very close to where the fires are but I am praying for them to come to an end. I can't imagine losing my house to a fire, let alone all my things. I know people are more thankful to be alive, but losing things like family albums would be devastating. I'm proud of the way we are pulling together as a state. Katrina taught us some hard lessons. Thanks for checking in on me!


PaperCourt said...

Glad you're OK. I was thinking about you yesterday.

The Mrs. said...

Thanks MM. You are so sweet!

PaperCourt said...

I just tagged you.

Kim said...

Is the smoke bad? I was wondering how far it was going because last spring when we had those wild fires in S. Georgia (on the Florida border) we had a few really smoky days here in Metro Atlanta. I thought that was really bizarre.

The Mrs. said...

Not so bad now, but a couple days were not really good to be outside. You'd feel a soar throat from the ash in the air. Those days I kept Landon inside too. Things are getting better though!