
Fabulous Films-Searching for Debra Winger

There aren't many films that delve into motherhood and work, but Searching For Debra Winger does it one better by looking at the pressures of being an actress and a mother in Hollywood. Rosanna Arquette takes an emotional and sometimes very insecure look at being a mom and trying to juggle your career and passions. She talks to everyone in Hollywood from Gwyneth Paltrow to Whoopi Goldberg. One of my favorite parts is when she interviews Sharon Stone who talks about aging.
Salma Hayek has something to say too:
"Happiness is never perfect. But the way you can achieve happiness is if you have a life that is complete. You have your work, you have the emotional part, motherhood, health, spirituality...and if you make sure you have a full life with all of these..friends, family, and you give importance to all of it... then I think you can have it all. The problem is if you become obsessed with one part of it. It throws it all off balance."
When Rosanna does find Debra Winger their conversation is candid and real, She talks about what Hollywood is really like and how she has reconciled getting out of it. Tell me what you think of what Salma said above or rent the movie and tell me your thoughts. Can we have it all? Do we want it all??


Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Looks great! I've always said, I'm Happy, not perfect! There is a difference.

Lori said...

I think it's a great comment! "Happiness" is an emotion, so yes, it can feel "perfect" for a moment or for however long you're feeling that emotion, I'm guessing that she's talking about balance and balancing all parts of our lives out, which are never perfect, and that is true.
I always enjoy hearing women share about their experiences, so I'm sure it would enjoyable and enlightening to watch! Thanks for recommending!

Head Hen said...

We can have it all, but we have to figure out what we want first.

We work so hard to get to a goal (or goals)--sometimes years. But in the meantime things change (adding a family for example) and so we have to be willing to take lots of looks at those goals and decide if they are still what we want.

Sometimes letting things go is less about not completing things and more about doing other things well.

Caffeine Court said...

I agree that if you become too obsessed with one party of your life-it throws everything off balance. I think my husband has this problem because he is all-consumed with his work. All things in moderation!

As for "having it all" nobody does. But we should be thankful for what we have!

Kim said...

I'm so late to the party on this, but I just saw it at the bottom of your archive and thought it looked interesting.

After 20+ years of parenting, I've resolved that "do the best you can" is about all you can hope for. My visions of rising to the top of the corporate ladder went out the window about 18 years ago after baby #2 arrived and my goal became..."get a shower today".

But the real reason I read this entry is because I've met Debra Winger...back when she was young (and so was I!) When I was in college she filmed Terms of Endearment in Lincoln, had a well known affair with the governor and used to frequent the bar where I was a waitress (with the gov!) She drank stoli martinis on the rocks and smoked Camel no filters....quite an eye opener for a smalltown girl me! She's always been an "interesting" person, so I'm not surprised she dropped out of the hollywood rat race for real life with kids.