
Fabulous Holidays- Halloween

Godmother is coming so I must get on my Halloween Game! Remember it's her Christmas so this is serious. Looking for some Glammed up Halloween ideas and found a few fun things!

This was from a CBS show last year but I LOVE what they are doing to those pumpkins!
"Put a fun and creative twist on the classic Halloween pumpkin. Paint pumpkins solid black-and-white with a high-gloss spray paint, and decorate them with inexpensive and easy-to-find items such as fishnet stockings, metal thumb tacks, and feathers. (You'll need an ice pick and mallet to decorate with feathers)." LOOOVE! Luckily GodMother is crafty so I can attempt this!

And...Love these from Z Gallery...

Kinda like this hat from Terrys Village....something to answer the door in if you aren't going full costume!

Here's some other decorating Ideas...BOO!


Lamp Tramp said...

Hi Love your Halloween thoughts...Z Gallerie is a must stop for me when I visit CA. Let me know what you decide for your decs. You sweet baby makes me miss those days....


PaperCourt said...

I LOVE Halloween. #1 son was born the day after so we like to make it a big celebration.

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Love Z Gallerie! Go there all the time! I've gotten many things there.