
Just Fabulous

Can you feel it the air? That's right. God Mother arrives today. That means Halloween is officially here. We have a jam packed and completely exciting schedule of events.
Sunday: Relax and laugh our heads off.
Monday: Shop at the tri-fecta, Marshalls, TJ Maxx and Target. Lunch out at our favorite place PF Changs, and then celebrate her bday out that night while laughing our heads off.
Tuesday: Take Landon somewhere fun, lunch out, Nails done, eyebrows waxed, and prep for Halloween dinner party while laughing our heads off.
Wednesday: Prep for Halloween party while laughing (now you're getting it) our heads off.
Thursday: More shopping, lunching and dinner out at Matsuhisa (celeb studded restaurant and sister to Nobu) and you guessed it. Laugh.
Friday: God mother leaves. I will cry and beg her to move to LA, but that is one good week!


Tickled Pink And Green said...

Sounds fun! How do you have such a fun Godmother? How old is she?!

Be sure and report any finds from your TJ/Marshalls run!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Have fun! And, don't forget to laugh! ;) Such a cute photo.

The Mrs. said...

God Mother is Landon's God Mother and one of my best friends from college!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Oh! Sounds like fun to me! To answer your question, our cocktail club has at least 12 couples in it and each couple picks a month to host. The hosting couple provides the beverages and the other couples bring a savory or sweet appetizer. You should definitely start one in LA... and if they don't like it, move to the South!!