
Not so Fabulous- Pre-School search!

Okay this is becoming a nightmare. Landon is 15 months but I apparently have to get on this pre school thing or he won't get into Harvard. I have been to many pre-schools and all of them seem to have their positives and negatives. Remember I live in California people so I'm looking for a little East Coast vibe to satisfy me. Some of these schools are so loosey goosey or just to new agey for me to deal with. There is one school that I like, that we have been on the waiting list for since Landon was born(thanks Hillary!)! Still no word from them yet. It is stressful looking and trying to determine what's best for Landon. I want him to be happy where he is and also feel like he will start to love learning. Plus I want him to have sweet funny friends who adore him. Tall order? Hope not.
Soon it will be elementary schools I am thinking about. I swear sometimes he wakes up from his nap bigger than when I put him down. And he has all these teeth! He stomps around babbling and coming over to show me what sound the snake makes...ssssssss....
I can now laugh thinking of how badly I wanted a girl. Now I just want to make sure the girl's are good enough for him!


Hemstitch & Hydrangea said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

So you have a cute little boy too! He is 5 months older than Jack-

Dont worry about the whole preschool thing too much. Its easy to do to yourself I know- trust me. We have a bit of pressure on us already from 2 grandparents who did go to HBS. I think manners, creativity, ability to socialize and happy well rounded personalities are what really shine at the interviews for the private schools. I have no doubt your home is filled with this from the things I have seen on your blog.

Keep posting about this process- I am eager to learn from other experiences and we are right behind you.

Good luck!

Hemstitch & Hydrangea said...

two more things-

So funny - say the same thing every day- I put you to bed Jack Jack and I see you when you wake up- how do get so big on me?

And I wanted a girl too and now I am such a boy mom and cant imagine it any other way-

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Hi! Love your blog. Luckily, I live in a VERY small town and we only have a few preschools to choose from. Trust your instincts. I am sure you will make the right choice! My daughter loves her preschool. Since she does not have any siblings yet, it has been great for her to be around other kids. Your little boy is adorable!! And I agree...they really do seem to grow while they are asleep! :)


I remember moms in Atlanta that had not yet delivered were applying at preschools! It's a little easier in Virginia..but who woudl have thought we would be hoping I child got in preschool. our moms just signed us up and "poof" we were in!

Anonymous said...

I was where you are...last year. I actually had to spend the night in the pre-school parking lot to make sure my son got on the "first come first serve" list for the preschool I wanted him to go too! And I wasn't the only one in that parking lot! The competition is crazy. Good luck with everything, it's worth it. My son just LOVES going to school with all his new friends, and his is learning so many new things. They do grow up way too fast.

The Mrs. said...

Thanks for the support! I have heard about the parking lot waiting! Glad to know I'm not the only one going insane! I do long for our parents days of POOF and getting in. Seems like since there is more to choose from the choice gets harder!