
Fabulous Find- Layla Grayce

Attention shoppers!!!! Got your attention now don't I? Well, I've stumbled upon an incredible website full of fabulous finds!
For babies...

A baby carrier cover...because who doesn't want to cover those up!?

These cute baby loafers..stop it!

If I had a little girl she'd have this...

Love this album!!!

But they don't forget mom's either...

For the hostess of the mostess...

How's this for a computer bag?!

Don't make me take out my clipboard!

You love my purse? It's a diaper bag! HA!

And if you haven't tried Mistral's Mer de Sud bubble bath you have not lived!!! I loooooove this website! Never seen so many cute things! Go there and see at Layla Grayce.


Tickled Pink And Green said...

That site is cute. I've had my eye on that pink & green Harlequin (sp?) rug for awhile now!

Unknown said...

What cute stuff! Your blog is great! I am glad I found it! If you don't mind I will add it to my favorites at Houses, Couches, and Babies.

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Cute list!!