
Fabulous Man- Oscar De La Renta

"Good manners are not about dressing- a man can be dressed in the most unfortunate way and be a perfect gentleman - it's just a shame that we're losing a sense of decorum. People live life at such a quick pace now, but it really doesn't take any extra time to do things in a proper way. Maybe it's easier to put on sloppy pants and a sloppy shirt and a pair of shoes that haven't been cleaned. It takes effort to have your pants pressed, your shirt neat, your shoes shined. But having a wonderful life takes discipline. Once you give up on discipline, you give up on a lot of things. I always stop to ask how someone is when I talk to them on the telephone. If I get into an elevator and there are four women in it, I wait till every one passes me before I step out. I never swear-not even in private. I never yell. I don't think in 40 years of working that I've ever raised my voice to someone. A gentleman treats people well at work and at home."- Oscar

I loooove this quote. I was born in Raleigh, North Carolina and I love that manners seem to still be alive and well in the South. When we moved to New York I was excited for all the culture, but amazed by how busy everyone seemed to be. Where were all these people going? And trying to get there so fast! Soon I became one of the hurried people hustling along. Now that I am living in California, and have my own family, I purposely try and slow myself down. I enjoy Landon so much more when I'm not running my own agenda. I try to ask people how they are, make a meal for someone who needs it, and let people get in front of me when I drive. Makes me happier and the world seems to flow more easily. I can remember before I was a mother, I would see fabulously dressed moms and tots and think: "how great they look!" Now I think these mom's are HEROES! I know what it takes to keep yourself and your family and your home looking fabulous! I think part of living fabulous is taking the time for yourself, Your husband, your kids, your neighbors and the world.


sle said...

Greetings from your birthplace!! I am enjoying your blog and your baby is cute as well.

Lamp Tramp said...

I so love that quote also... I'm a Southerner from New England....but go to Canoga Park, CA with Mr over past 6 years. Sorta close to you. Thanks for your sweet comment, I'm fighting my way back, bad 2 years from Katrina....but things are so much better...Sandi

Chic and Charming said...

Too true! As a southern girl now living in a big northern city I know exactly where you are coming from. I went to school in Raleigh...I really miss it and I especially miss southern manners and culture!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

My pet peeve for the past several years has been how people dress. I love to see kids dressed nice. It doesn't have to be fancy, just a collar polo-type shirt instead of a t-shirt. T-shirts are fine sometimes, but now I see kids wearing them everywhre - churches, out to nice restaurants, etc., everywhere. And I've seen footage of memorial services on the news (or whatever) and people are wearing t-shirts! And when your average Joe gets interviewed on news shows for whatever reason, many have on t-shirts! Your national TV debut and all you have is a t-shirt??? Sometimes it seems this whole country shops at some store named T Shirts Are Us. UGH!

Preppy Napkin said...

I love that you are from Raleigh-I went to Meredith College and have fond memories of Raleigh. I love going back to visit!

The Mrs. said...

OMG!!!! Tickled Pink and Green we are officially sisters! I feel the same way! Death to the T shirt!!!!!!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Great advice!