
The Yin and Yang of Motherhood

Seriously, could he be any cuter? I cannot handle it.

Yesterday was a horrible day, anything and everything went wrong. Went to a birthday party for one of Landon's friends, got lost. Really lost. 45 minutes of lost, lost. Bad times. Landon's crying in the back, even when I find the place (indoor playroom), I couldn't find parking. Then after I pulled every last hair out of my head and got inside, realized I forgot the birthday gift. I had gone to such trouble making sure I had it together and perfect and forgot it. Did I mention I had to pee so bad in the car when I was LOST I almost gave myself a bladder infection?

Then tonight, I was giving him a bath and he was having a ball, saying his new word "DUCK!". He was so cute. I mean I could just kiss him all day long! Then later in the evening in his room he kept trying to tackle, I mean HUG the cat. I was smiling watching how patient the cat was and how cute Landon was trying to snuggle!
The best part of the evening though, was brushing his teeth. We have just recently started this and Hubby usually has to brush his teeth at the same time for inspiration. Tonight Hubby was out shooting with friends, so I was on brushing teeth detail. He had so much fun brushing his teeth he wanted to do it over and over! He was making the funniest face thinking about the feeling of me brushing his teeth. I laughed my head off.

Isn't this the Yin and Tang of it all? Motherhood is not at all what I expected. I didn't know hard it would be. I didn't know how wonderful it would be. I didn't know how little time I would have for myself. I didn't know how much time I'd want to spend with him. Wow.


justme said...

very sweet post and sooo TRUE

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Great post! I think Mommyvents posted about this not too long ago. The rollercoaster of it all is what wears us out, but it is soooo worth it. I enjoyed reading this, thanks.

Mrs. LSL said...

Oh, I'm so sorry that you had a horrible day! I'm glad that Landon was there to make it better though. :) He's adorable!

Beth said...

He's adorable! Sorry about the tough day. I totally hear you on the craziness of motherhood...it's so wonderful, exhausting, rewarding, draining, exhilerating....but every time you look at your little one you wouldn't have it any other way. Hope today is a great one:)

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

He is so cute! And looks so cozy too! I can't relate YET!!!, but hope to experience the yin & yang as all my friends closely describe. :)

MB said...

You have an adorable son! Love your blog! I have three kids of my own and I feel the same way! Love motherhood but it can be difficult at times!

Gabi said...

you certainly hit the nail on the head with this one!! :)

Melissa said...

I can't relate to the mom thing yet, maybe in a few years lol. However, your little boy is adorable!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

So true! What a sweetie-pie!

Kiki said...

Landon is such a cutie and that picture is a treasure...I hate to be lost myself and I turn into a beast, like yelling at my sweet, patient husband beast. I need a navigation system, that would cut down on the irritation...maybe for my "mid-year birthday". Thanks again for stopping by my blog, I just love yours, so sweet all the time, with thoughtful,great ideas!! Thanks again...

Belle said...

That is so true. He's a doll!

The 5 Bickies said...

45 minutes late and a forgotten present. I feel your pain. It is truly the ride of motherhood. Nothing else can make me so miserble and yet so quickly happy again as motherhood.

I'm adding you to my bloglist today. So sorry for the oversigh. I always enjoy your blog!

workinthatpreppy said...

Wow...What a day....Still looking for a tee or something for your little one. haven't forgotten!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Great post and reminds me of one of the best lines ever written in a movie. Terms of Endearment when Debra Winger is in the hospital talking about the kids and she tells someone (can't remember who) something like "As hard as you think it's going to be, you only end up wishing it were that easy."