I made a point of catching the pilot episode of Cashmere Mafia, not just because I miss my Sex and The City (Movie coming soon!), but because it's written by Darren Star (hellooooo...he wrote Sex and The City, Miss Match, Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place etc!!! Please don't make me go on).
I knew it had to be sort of good because what it takes to even get a show on Television is a serious miracle these days. I am in the writing biz so I know! The show did not have me "at Hello", but after about 10 minutes I was hooked.
It takes place in New York City (I grew up outside of the city so I Love NYC) and follows the lives of four successful fashionista women who've know each other since business school. Think Devil Wears Prada meets Sex and The City. Lucy Liu plays "Mia", who's in publishing, the other girls are an investment banker, a COO of a hotel chain, and a marketing exec for a cosmetics firm.
Lucy Lui is adorable and does well as the very driven, yet looking for love "Mia". Bonnie Summerville, who plays "Caitlin", is hysterical. More rude and in your face, she is just realizing she might be in love with a woman! "Zoe", Frances O Connor, is juggling kids and career and had some scene stealing moments as she lamented over her nanny being from the I.D. generation (I deserve), and when she arrives late to her daughters dance recital she practically knocks over the whole set trying to get to her seat. The greatest scene of the whole pilot however, goes to Juliette Draper who plays Miranda. Once she hears of her husbands infidelity, she whispers to him during a charity function that not only does she "know" about the affair, but he should "look around the room" at their friends because she will be taking one of them as her lover and he won't know where or when it's happening. He downs his glass of wine as she goes to the podium to accept her charity award.
These girls talk and act how we wish we could. We may not really want their lives but we can live vicariously. So much fun and Fabulous TV! Catch it Wednesday nights on ABC!
Someone else asked me if I watched it (did not), and told me that I needed to start. Maybe tomorrow when I have more time, I will watch it on the Internet.
Hey "Mrs": Thanks for visiting my blog. I could not find your e-mail This is in response to your questions about my friend Judy's bar and lamps. The bar is a little simple "bar" found at Linens & Things. I bought one recently for my daughter on clearance for around $14! I'm sure you can find something similar to it there. Her lamps came from Kirklands (do ya'll have Kirklands in Ca)? about 5 years ago when she was building her house. Believe me, I've searced hi and low for them in every Kirklands I go to but no luck! They have not carried those lamps in some time now. I've made her promise to will those lamps to me or just to go ahead and give them to me outright! They are gorgeous!
I saw a few minutes of it and LOVED it but fell asleep because I was so tired...I'm determined to watch this week! Thanks for the reminder!
Great show! I wonder how it will compare with NBC's Lipstick Jungle.
Karen- Lipstick jungle DOES NOT look good at all!!!
This is def one of my new faves! I have to have something to look forward to since nothing is new anymore!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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