
Sanity Break- REUNION! Celebrate Good Times Come on!

I am soooooooo excited. So excited I am invoking Kool and the Gang! It's on the books. A reunion for myself and my sorority sisters from College. What's amazing about these girls is they are all successful, married great guys, and are fabulous friends. We were all Thetas and you know what they say: "Theta For a Life Time!" So here we are, fifteen years later, still getting together and having so much fun. I love my sorority so much that I had a Theta Meeting in my hotel suite the night before I was married! We had Dom Perignon, Chocolate covered strawberries and a real chapter meeting. The invitations had pansies all over them (our flower) and was were very mysterious. You had to be let in by giving the secret knock!

These girls and this time in my life means so such to me because it's when I figured out who I was and what I was good at, all with the encouragement of my sisters. These girls have supported me through an acting career, in vitro, and 52 days in the hospital with my son. They are irreplaceable.

Getting together with your girls for a weekend away is not only needed, it's required for your sanity. I know it's hard to leave husbands and kids behind, but if you don't do the things you love to do, it will change who you are. Don't you want to be able to show your kids that you value yourself and your friendships? I hope and pray Landon has a great group of guys that he will always lean on. It will make his life richer than he can imagine.

We will be meeting up in Palm Beach Florida for some fun in the sun. Actually we will be going to Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Steinmart and PF Changs, and maybe sun if we feel like it. The recipe for a fabulous weekend.


PaperCourt said...

How fun! Can I join you?

Gabi said...

Sounds like a great time! It is a dark and dreary day here in new england, so Palm Beach sounds even more Fabulous! Have a great time

Tres Poshe Preppy said...


Kim said...

Sounds like wonderful plan!

We were tight with the Thetas when I was in college (we were the first two sororities on campus....in the 1880's!) and they still have Key and Kite Formal and Triad with the PiPhi's, too!

Have fun!

The 5 Bickies said...

Sounds like a great time! Enjoy the sun and shopping!

workinthatpreppy said...

yes...can a phi mu meet up with ya'll in palm beach?

Mrs. Shelton said...

Where were you a Theta? I was a Theta too and actually just recently posted about meeting up with them during Christmas break! Have fun! I'm jealous!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Have FUN!! I was a Pi Phi. :)