Just for fun I am doing five funny things about me. Maybe they're just strange. Who knows. Here I am at about six years old. I swear I look the exact same now. Does that count as a funny thing? I don't think so...here are the real ones!
1. I love Richard Simmons. I don't weigh 300 pounds, I just love him. From his afro hair to his short shorts I seriously adore him. If I met him I'd probably start crying.
2. When I work out and listen to my Ipod. I look around the gym and make a music video in my mind. I literally film the whole thing in my head with the vingettes I see at the gym!
3. I love the Carvel Hard Shell topping on soft serve ice cream. I think Smuckers has a take home brand called Magic Shell. I seriously love it. Only the Butterscotch or Cherry though.
4. No matter how many times someone tells me or explains it I do not understand how planes, as heavy as they are, can fly. I do not get it!
5. I love The Music Man. Oh I know you think you love it to, but I have memorized most of it.
Like when there's trouble in River City "...and the next thing you know your son is playing for money in a pinch-back suit. And listening to some big outta town jasper, hear him tell about horse-race gambling! Not a wholesome trottin' race no! But a race where they set down right on the horse! Like to hear some stuck up jockey boy sitting on Dan Patch? Make you're blood boil? Well I should say. Now friends lemme tell you what I mean. You've got one, two, three, four, five, six pockets in a table, pockets that mark the difference, between a gentleman and a bum? With a capital B and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!"
Oh yeah...I love madam librarian too! "What can I say..my dear..to make..it clear.."
So cute! You were workin the headband way back when! Love the list!
I love the Music Man too. Being so close to Indiana, Gary gets mentioned quite frequently in the news and I always have to break out (quite loudly I might say) with the GARY INDIANA, Gary Indiana, gary indiana chime... my neighbors most definitely think I'm a freak!
I have tried to explain how planes fly...I know this first hand. Good post! And yes she does look the exact same...
What a cute picture! I love that headband - and tulips, my favorite!
Thanks for the message - it does feel a bit like a mid life crisis. But I'm going to make the best of it, and see where is leads me! Hopefully to a job a love and am passionate about.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Look forward to reading more lists in the future!
Those were really funny! I'm glad I found your blog:)
76 trombones led the big parade...or something like that right? you look exactly the same!
Love your headband. My Hunny and I were in the Music Man in college. Everytime we see a Wells Fargo Truck, naturally we break into, "Oh the Wells Fargo Wagon..." so funny!
Funny post.
I feel exactly the same about the Pirates of Penzance. I could sing the entire score in my sleep.
i love the carvel stuff... YUM. unfortunately it is not on my diet but still YUM :)
So surprised you didnt mention that you were born a comdeienne!...and yes, it was I that color coordinated the red outfit with the red tulips to match your personality.
I totally agree with #4! WTF??!!
Such a cute list and such a cute picture!
Hey there! Mrs!! So sorry its been so long! Hope you had great holidays, sorority weekend!! ( God how I love those)!! Loved your books- have Preppy Handbook and Wasp Cookbook on my shelves as well- never bought Tipsy Madrasp- would love Priveledged Life- looks gorgeous and glam-
Also love your kids stuff - ALWAYS-!
Lovin your blog and updates-
Glad to be back!
Music Man fan too!! It's my favorite of the classic musicals!
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