I am an obsessive scrapbooker. I come from a long line of scrapbookers, and I had my first one made for me by Grandma as a baby. I swear I have a scrapbook for childhood, jr high, high school, college, after college, meeting hubby, marrying hubby, pregnancy, Landon's first year etc etc etc!!!
Did you know that Snapfish, will make one for you, bind it and let you write all the captions? It is fabulous looking and for a busy mom who feels guilty, or for one who hates scrapbooking, this is IDEAL!
Here's a few more sample lay outs:

My neighbor Sheila, (she's starting to be in every post!), even writes a little story to go with an event. For her daughters birthday she wrote all about who was there, what happened, how she and her daughter felt, what they said....it's such a keepsake, and in a lot of ways so much more detailed than a scrapbook or photo album. Easy and fabulous!
My sister did this for her husband, for Christmas...of their son, it was AMAZING!! I loved it and am tempted to do one as well!!! Great post, and awesome ideas!!!
That is super cool! I use Shutterfly for a lot of projects, but will check out Snapfish! Thanks for sharing:)
I was a traditional srapbooker until I found these...I am so behind in my real scrapbooks that I resorted to a shutterfly book for the children for Christmas. It captured all of our Summer fun. They LOVE to read all scrapbooks...the photo books as well as tradt'l scrapbooks.
I upload a lot of photos to Snapfish and saw these the other day. They are so cool. I have thought about doing a few for DD!
My older daughter has some beautiful scrapbooks that I put together when she was little. I think I'll try the Snapfish ones for my younger daughter.
Thanks for the tip.
this is sooo up my alley!
I soo need this- I have not even made one album since Jack was borh- have 100's of pics but need to get to it-
Great find
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