

Today is MLK day and I have to acknowledge the great man that he was. His speeches are so relevant even today.

As I was on the elliptical this morning at the gym, a reporter did an interview with Osama Bin Ladens son. It was a fascinating interview, because he was in the training camps when he was 14 and then later decided to leave. He thought his fathers fight was misguided and getting to out of control. His father respected his decision and they are not in contact. Imagine having the last name of Bin Laden? He is trying to put together a race for peace but is having a tough time getting sponsors.

When asked if he thought his father was a terrorist, he said no. He knew his father feels he is following his religious views. He said he wished his father would find another way to "Help". Whoa. All I can say is look to Dr. King. He protested and stood up for what he believed in without harming innocent people. He tried to bring peaceful change in a world of hatred. If Bin Laden wants to make changes in the world, he needs to do it the right way. What Osama Bin Laden is doing now certainly is not HELP.


kari and kijsa said...

Great post!

kari & kijsa

kenady said...

That was a great post. I find Dr. King to be a truly inspirational leader, even today, even when tensions still run high.

Saw your comments on Kiki's blog and thought I'd stop by and check your blog out. I'm enjoying what I see, so I may be back if that is all right.

PS To Catch a Thief is one of my all time favorite movies! I adore Cary Grant.

Elle Jay Bee said...

Amen to that! I love the mix of topics on your blog...it makes for a fun read!
