
Fabulous Fashion- Spring Planning

I love clothes but sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of what's out there. I have devised a little plan to help me get into and feel good about each season. Each season I pick a color to be focused on and try to acquire a few key pieces that will add a little punch to my wardrobe. I realize this is almost like dressing in "Garanimals", but hey it works for me so I'm sharing!
Last summer I picked Kelly Green and I got a Kelly green V-neck cotton sweater and Kelly green flats, as well as a Kelly green and white leather bag. I felt sassy and everyone complimented me!
For this winter I tried Navy. I got a gorgeous Navy fleece wrap with pom poms on the edges, a cute navy shirt and some navy patent leather flats with gold buckles.

My color for spring? Yellow!

I have seen a couple things already that I LOVE at J Crew! Hope I can pick up a few!

I mean please. It's like they're conspiring with me! Great minds think alike! I love me some J Crew. What's your spring fashion plan?


Melly said...

Wish I had a spring fashion plan! I'm hoping some visits to blogs like yours will give me some inspiration. Thanks for stopping by mine.

Hemstitch & Hydrangea said...

This is a good idea! I got alot last Summer from J Crew- and loved that so much of it mixed and matched so well- yellow goes with everyone so what a great choice-

I might try it too-

Keep us posted as to what you buy as well!
You are in warm weather so lucky you get to break out the new stuff soon right?

I think I will be wearing mine in July at this rate- minus 9 here this weekend- Brutal!

Kiki said...

Iknow its no JCrew, but Gap is all Yellow, Navy and Kelly Green right now, cute coat in yellow and wellies too...your idea is great and anything that makes getting dressed in the morning easier is a good idea!!! Good luck!

Cottage Contessa said...

Fabulous fashion ideas! Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful week!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Belle said...

I don't know how you feel about Spiegel, but they have lots of gorgeous yellow on the spring cover. I love that bag and the flats.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

So funny, I do something quite similiar. I can't wear yellow (no fair) but I like to pick a color of the season and play with it. When you have classic lines, fun colors and accessories are a great way to make it now! J Crew is always a big part of my wardrobe! Have fun, great picks! Love the frilly necklines!

Preppy Mama said...

Totally loving the yellow. Its such a "feel good" color too! JCrew makes such beautiful pieces.

Kim said...

We are always on the lookout for yellow (seeing as how those girls are ramblin' wrecks). It's been easy the past couple of years.

Saw an adorable yellow coat at Gap yesterday and thought about buying it for J2's birthday on Friday....but as a mom of an almost 19 year old, I have to ask "permission" first. Used to be a lot easier to shop for them!

Suzanne said...

Great idea! BTW...I loved garanimals as a kid. It made life so easy for moms and kids!

Beth said...

That's such a great idea! I think I will have to pick a color for the spring as well...wish I looked good in yellow...super cute things you picked out!

Michelle said...

Very cute! I do like your idea of color themes to get you kick started. So far I haven't even thought about spring but I know it is getting close!

Buford Betty said...

I'm so excited about yellow. I need those flats for sure - they're on my list!