
Fabulous 40th Bday Gifts

I have a good friend and a sister in law who are both turning 40 next month. What's a good gift to give? I know this is no regular birthday. I need some fabulous gift ideas! What do you guys think? I do not think any "over the hill" gifts are funny at all. I'll be 40 one day and I wouldn't like it!!! I did a fabulous DVD for my dad, pictures and his favorite songs from his growing up and mine, that was for his 60th. I don't have many pics of sis in law so that's out. Tiffanys? A silver something? Sis in law is a pediatrician and fabulous mom. Friend is insurance honcho and neighbor. Chime in please!


Genuine Lustre said...

I"m about to turn 42. Forty was a big deal to me, but in a positive way. I felt like I was finally a grown up. I was now free to say whatever I wanted. I became especially interested in defining my personal style for midlife. I suggest books along that line (I'm a book junkie anyway), jewelry is good and spa visits are always a treat if she doesn't get to do that much. A girls day out shopping with lunch is another fun way to spend a birthday. I also would have loved an art set and sketchbooks - creative expression is something I think we all long to do.

justme said...

well i will be turning the big 40 this year and i would love a spa day OR a treat to NYC broadway. maybe a gift certificate to a VERY fancy restaurant.

we just got a friend some nice earrings for her 40th. oh....fancy/fun stationary.

PaperCourt said...

We do a lot of girls lunches here to celebrate birthdays. Maybe lunch and a spa day.

workinthatpreppy said...

i took my girlfriends with me for a weekend girls' trip to the beach on my 40th...set aside a couple of days for you two to shop, spa and eat and it will be a treat for you also. a small tiffany box with a yummy necklace is perfect to start the adventure!

Suburban prep said...

When I turned 40 I was taken to high tea. I live in the Chicago area and we went to tea at The Drake. I was also given some spa treatments and a gift cert to one of my favorite stores.
The best thing was that I celebrated with my parents and my sisters and then with my husband and then with extended family and friends. So it was an extended birthday.

The 5 Bickies said...

My friends surprised me with tix to Regis and Kelly and an overnight in NYC. We shopped at all of my favorite places, slept over and went to the show the next morning. It was so much fun and a treat to be with just the girls.

I am sure you will come up with something great! Since NYC isn't in your backyard, anything jewelry or monogrammed is also a great idea.