
Meeting Hubby

Connecticut Charm did a great post about meeting her hubby and asked everyone to play along.

I was driving to a two year olds bday, JAKE, in the Hollywood Hills. I told my girlfriends in the car that I didn't think I would ever get married. This was not because I was bitter, I just felt like I had dated my share of guys and it hadn't worked out. I had even called it off with one guy who was perfect and about to propose but it didn't feel right. I told them I would have children and men in my life but never marry. Famous last words.

At this very HOLLYWOOD, kids birthday party there was pony rides, face painting, champagne and a DJ. Oh yes I live in Los Angeles. So I was milling around meeting people when I saw a guy dresses in an Izod shirt and khakis. This was in 2001 when the preppy thing was only still happening in truly prep places and of course living in my heart! So I was drawn to this red haired guy. I was making jokes and he could keep up with me with NO problem. This was rare. Usually I would tell jokes and have a crowd laughing but rarely could someone chime in and keep up! I was intrigued. He gave me his card, but he was there with another girl so we talked business. She gave me the daggers as we talked, but at this point I just wanted to be friends! I was not getting married remember?

He called a couple times but I didn't go out with him, it was group things he was inviting me too and I didn't know anyone else. Then he called and asked me to go on a double date with his friend Jeff and his girlfriend. I only said yes because I felt like going out to dinner!!!

We agreed to meet at the bar of the Fairmont Hotel in Santa Monica. I walked in the door, and saw him see me and start smiling. He smiled at me. He was so genuinely happy to see me that I literally said out loud, to myself, involuntarily, "I'm going to marry this guy".

We moved in together in three weeks.
We were married a year later.
We've been married five years this year!

Amazing! I'm tagging Magnolia Mama, Self Confessed Lamp Tramp, Workin That Preppy and Biscuits Are Never Boring!


justme said...

so sweet !!!

Hemstitch & Hydrangea said...

So sweet and he was so happy to see you - after you FINALLY said yes! Isnt it funny how we truly find things we love most when we are so not looking!

Great story

Suburban prep said...

You never know when you will meet the Love of your life.
So happy that things turned out well.

Karen said...

Wonderful story! I love hearing stories of how couples met. Hope you're having a great weekend!


Kim said...

Great story. Better than anything Hollywood could come up with!

Melissa said...

Great story! It always happens when you're not expecting it... :)

Kiki said...

Magic...when it happens like that you just know...thanks for sharing!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

So, so sweet! Any Hollywood/over the top birthday parties happening this weekend?!? ;)

Honestly though, I do believe that love hits you at the least expected moment and that just makes it even more sweet! Cute photo of you two at the Venician.

I know I asked before, brother taken, any cousins out there?!? ;)

The 5 Bickies said...

I love your story...it is so sweet! Thanks for the tag. I will post our story today. It was fun putting it down in writing!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I'm really enjoying readying how everyone met their husbands. That is so cute that it was at a child's birthday party.s

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I'm really enjoying readying how everyone met their husbands. That is so cute that it was at a child's birthday party.s

Preppy Lizard said...

Great Story....I love a good love story. Thanks for sharing!

Belle said...

How funny! Just when your swear them off, they win your heart. Love it! What a great picture. You two are so cute. Fabulous!

Suzanne said...

I love these stories, thanks for sharing!