
Yachting- My...my...my...

Well, what a coincidence that everyone wants to hop on board a boat! We were just invited onto a couple of jet setters yacht and of course I said yes. Here we are!


Belle said...

Hey! That's me! Top pic...blonde in the white bikini. ;)

Claire said...

I am having so much fun!!! What a great trip - how can it get any better???!!!

Danielle Moss said...

How much fun would that be? I've never been, but would love to go.

It's funny - I always see the same celebs that you see. I just saw Holly Robinson Peete at the apple store a while back and (almost) walked right in to David Spade somewhere. He is so tiny!

Can you do dinner next Friday night? We're planning on doing something on the west side. Any ideas?

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

What a perfect way to spend the day! I am glad we got an invite.