

I'm fine. Just had to tell you. I was at Whole Foods with Landon looking for celebs. I think they're all away on vacation!


Belle said...

I thought about you when I heard about the earthquake. I'm so glad you're OK!!

CashmereLibrarian said...

Glad you're okay! I missed all the excitement. I just got back from LA last week.

Kiki said...

I was thinking of you as soon as I heard about this....you need a onefabulousmom e mail address so we can shoot you emails when this kind of thing happens!!!!

So glad you all are fine, too bad there aren't any celebrities in town, I would be curious what they eat and had in their carts!!!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

So glad you and little Landon were safe!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am glad you are safe!

Scarlet O'Kara said...

Thanks for letting us know...Was worried for you and the other LA Bloggers.

Barefoot in the Park said...

so glad y'all are ok!

Pink Flamingo said...

How scary!! Very glad to hear that you and Landon are OK.

Kay's Preppy Play Place said...

How frightening! I've only been in an earthquake once. On the first night of our honeymoon in the South Pacific (it sounds cliche to say the earth moved then, I know!). Glad to hear all is well.

Kate said...

Did anything fall off the shelves there? This earthquake felt so loong!

Always Organizing said...

Thank goodness! So glad you are ok :)

Melissa said...

Glad you're OK!

PaperCourt said...

Glad you're okay. I friggin' hate earthquakes.

The Chic Chauffeur said...

Oh good! I jumped right onto your blog after I read about the earthquake on cnn. Glad you are all ok!!

The Shabby Princess said...

Glad you're OK. California earthquakes are a pain in the booty! The last big one I was in was in 2003. Glad you and your family are safe!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Glad to hear you're all OK!

Jill said...

I didn't know about the earthquake until nearly 12 hours after the fact. Sometimes I wonder how I even make it through the day because I'm such a news nerd. Anywho--- glad you're OK.

Kim said...

Glad you're ok! I thought about you!

ilovepink said...

Wow! How scary!! Glad to hear you are all ok!

Bridget said...

Thank goodness!!!!