
The Mrs. Mama Came To Town

Mom is leaving today and the visit was way too short! Landon has mastered winking and has been winking at her all weekend! Tomorrow I'll be posting about the cocktail party we had, but I had to tell you my mothers hilarious and oh so southern comment to me yesterday.

We were talking about how I can't do much shopping anymore because I'm on a strict budget, and how I was a little sad about it. Her reply?
"At least you're pretty. If you weren't pretty AND you couldn't shop it would be awful!" Is she funny or what!? Love her.


Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Ha ha! I could hear a number of ladies I know saying something like that!

I love your new header. Landon looks so cute in his little sweater!

Enjoy your week!

Katie Ryan said...

You're right. That's a southern thing. My mom, a Mississippian, says things like that all the time, especially to my 6-year-old daughter. It drives me crazy!

Pink Flamingo said...

I, agree, mom visits are always way too short. I do love your mom’s comment…priceless! And what a little charmer you have one your hands with little Landon...he is at such a fun age!

Belle said...

What a great Mom! She knows just the right thing to say. I love your new header. Landon is such a doll! Have a great day!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

So cute! Cute photo too. I love your hair! Sorry for the late comment if you cut it awhile back, I noticed it the other day and forgot to compliment you. Looks great!

BTW-Love the new header, so cute!

kolls said...

*cracking up* OMG, I love your mom. I love regular Dr Pepper too but I rarely drink regular soda these days!

Tippy said...

Your Mama speaks the truth!

Your mom looks very stylish! You must get it from both parents!

Etiquettely Correct said...

You're both beautiful! Your mom sounds hilarious.

Anonymous said...

love it! your mom is gorgeous...when i lived in the south they always warned me about the saccharine sweetness- was that it?

ilovepink said...

I love the new pic of Landon! Soooo cute! I am glad to hear you had a good time with your mom.
PS: The stool from my post is from kookoobearkids.com
They have some precious things!

Beth said...

Too funny! The picture of you and your mom is adorable! I also love the new pic of Landon on your header...beautiful!

Melissa said...

What your mom said is totally true! I love it!

Buford Betty said...

Very well said!!

L.A. Prep said...

Love your Mom, she is so funny! You guys a re so cute together, you look a lot like her. Enjoy every minute with her!