
Birthday Boy- Landon's turning two!

Landon's grandparents have flown in because my baby is turning two. TWO! how can this be!!!??
Every year I write Landon a letter on his birthday to save and give to him when he turns eighteen. This is the letter I'll be giving him this year.

Dear Monkey Chicken,

Everyday your smile melts the hearts of everyone you see.
You have gotten taller but you're still my baby. You have gotten more opinionated, but you're still my baby. You have more of your own personality, but you're still and always will be, my baby.

Landon, everyday with you is about discovery and challenge. You sometimes love new things, and other times you stick close to me. You know what you want but can be tickled out of most of your bad moods. There is nothing more that you love than running into my arms with your smile; as wide as the sea. You adore me, but I adore you so much more.

Sometimes when I look at you I see your Grandpa Auggie. Sometimes I see me. Sometimes I see Daddy. You are getting bigger and turning into a boy more everyday. Still I marvel that you are the same baby that was in the NICU 52 days. The same baby for whom we prayed to open your eyes, even if just for a second.

You are full of opposites. You love to water the plants but spend the whole time drinking out of the hose. You love gymnastics but hold my hand when there is a big jump to take. You are careful and curious.

I am honored to be your mother, privileged to watch you grow up, and lucky that you're mine. I will always treasure how loving and snuggly you are. You teach me patience, humor and love everyday. I am a better person for having you in my life and I hope every day you feel how much I love you.
Love Mom

Don't forget to tune in Monday for the BIG SURPRISE!


Bridget said...

So sweet :) Happy Birthday Landon! xo

Belle said...

Happy Birthday Landon! You are one lucky boy. xoxo

Always Organizing said...

What a wonderful letter and beautiful tradition :) I that it is so special and he will treasure those letters always. You really are one fabulous mom!!!

Pink Flamingo said...

What a touching and heartfelt birthday note. Enjoy this special day…happy birthday little Landon!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Landon! It sounds like you are raising a perfect, sweet little gentleman.

Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

very sweet- I do the same - scratch it- was doing the same but then i got lazy. i'm starting to wonder about your surprise- you're not showing pics of your belly...could it be?

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Happy Birthday Landon! I keep journals for my boys. I like the letter idea on birthdays. That's special!

Kate said...

What a great idea and loving letter! I LOVE Landon's nautical outfit :)

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

What a sweet letter. I know he will cherish it when he gets older.

Preppy Mama said...

I write the letters too! Your's is beautiful and so is that baby! Happy Birthday Landon!!!

Preppy Mama said...

I write the letters too! Your's is beautiful and so is that baby! Happy Birthday Landon!!!

Jill said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to your sweet little boy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Landon! BTW, loving your independent women posts - keep them coming!

Kiwi Crellins said...

I love your blog! I am a mother to an 11 week old beautiful girl, and I will be looking to you for my inspiration.

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

You don't know me...I don't know you and yet such a beautifully heartfelt letter connected us MOMS!! Your words brought me tears,that I can hardly type. My son's are grown now but your memories still fresh brings me back so long ago to that date in time when my boy's had their second Birthday and my folks would come out from So Cal to celebrate. Happy Birthday and thanks for sharing with this mom.

ilovepink said...

That brought tears to my eyes!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY LANDON!!!

Beth said...

Wow...I'm on my getaway trip and am catching up on blogs. I just read your letter to Landon and it's beautiful! As a mother I know just how you feel and hearing your words made me tear up and miss my little man:) I hope you all have a super time celebrating Landon's birthday!

Kayris said...

I'm intrigued at the surprise. Are you pregnant? Could it be?

Happy Birthday precious boy!!

Kiki said...

Happy Birthday dearest Landon, all of us know how desperately your momma wanted you, she prayed about and dreamed only the best and brightest for you. Every day you are the gift she hoped for and we are so honored to be able to watch and read at the miracle of your life!!!

I am completely excited about Monday's post, best of all I am off, so I will be able to check all day.

Missed you and am so glad to be back and checking in on you!!!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Landon!

Can't wait to see what the surprise is!

Linda S said...

happy birthday! what a sweet letter...hmmm now for that surprise!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Ahhhhh... What a great mommy you are! Landon is such a cutie and you are lucky to have each other.

Happy B-Day to the little guy!

Kate said...

Happy Belated Birthday Landon!!!