
We're Back!!!

We're back and now I must check on all the blogs I have missed. It was a pleasure being your tout guide in Greece. An honor!!!

Just for fun I am giving you the live camera feed for Santorini. I want you to be able to check on your favorite island whenever you want!!!


Also, a few pictures from Landons birthday party last week! he had a blast!


Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

Sorry I couldn't make the trip. It looked like a blast. Looks like Landon had a blast at his party.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Thanks for the AMAZING trip! Thanks for being such a great hostess and tour guide. We'll do it again sometime! :)

Landon is so cute, such the little prepster!

Belle said...

What a great birthday party, Landon!

Thanks for the fantastic trip. I had a blast! Can't wait to go back!!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Thanks for being our tour guide! I am glad Landon had so much fun at his birthday. His smile is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, look at that sweet smile!

kenady said...

I'm so sorry I wasn't able to go on this trip either!

Happy Birthday to Landon! Looks like he had a great time:)

Kiki said...

That Landon is so precious, that sweet face is always smiling...a trait I'm sure he inherited from his momma!!!

I'm so glad I got to go to Greece, where and when is our next adventure??? I can't wait for it!!!

Beth said...

What a trip!! Thanks:) The pics of Landon are adorable!

Claire said...

I decided if I am ever stuck in an elevator that I want to be stuck in it with you - cuz you can transport us anywhere and make us believe we're doing it!!! I loved the "trip"! Thanks!!!
Loved the birthday photos - what a great boy!

Jill said...

Fabulous Mom, I love being on vacation with you. And how cute is the little birthday boy! Love those shorts!

WSU Laura said...

Loved reading about the blog trip. Happy Birthday to your little man!I left you an award on my blog the other day.

Cindy said...

I'm just back from my vacation, and now I have to get caught up on yours! It looks just amazing!!