Get ready. I have big news. No I'm not pregnant...This week I am taking you on a vacation! No not a "stay-cation" like in my previous post, but a real vacation.
This is my most brilliant idea yet and I don't know why it hasn't come to me before!
Tell hubby or fiance or boyfriend bu-bye. Tell the kiddos you will be gone. I am serious. I am taking you on a little trip and we are going to have so much fun relaxing and enjoying ourselves you're going to forget about the laundry, screaming children, and extra five ahem ten pounds you need to lose. Pack light because we're going to GREECE!!!!!!
We are hopping Delta Airlines flight #610 to Athens. It leaves LAX at 9:25pm ...so you have plenty of time to get packing. We're stopping at JFK to pick up all the East coasters.
We're all in first class of course, my treat! I'll give you some time to pack your bag but (since I've been), here's your packing list:
Bathing suits
Fabulous bejeweled flip flops
Flowing linen pants
Sparkling tank tops and shirts
Flowy skirts
Cute sundresses
Cute cover ups
Cute underwear or none!
Fabulous dresses to go out to bars with
Jewelry to accessorize all outfits
Hat for the beach
Fabulous beach bag
Purses for every outfit
A couple of fabulous heels (you'll see why you need flip flops that are dressy when we arrive)
Sun tan lotion
Fabulous book to read
A robe and slippers will be at your hotel, as well as beach towels etc. Let me know if I've forgotten anything in my bag. The limo is coming to pick us up from my house at 5:30pm so you better hurry! This is going to be so fun! Bloggy Girls Get Away!
Keep checking back and I'll give you the play by play of where we are and what we're doing!!!
count me in, i have never been !!oooopaaaaa
I'm ready!!!
My passport is ready!
I've always wanted to go to Greece. The girls have both been there (yeah, in my next life, I'm coming back as one of my kids!)
Count me in!
See you at JFK--running home now to get my passport.
Yipee! Greece here I come!
I don't get it??? Looks pretty though!
Fun!!! I'm in!
I'm in... but I'll need to do some shopping once I get there!
(You are too clever! What a very cute idea!)
Impoverished Preppy
I'm in! Always wanted to go to Greece!
I am SO there! Can't wait! And hubby will just have to figure out a childcare situation while I'm gone!
You're a doll!
I am so in!
I may be going to Greece next summer with my sister after I graduate :)
I'm in! See you all at JFK!
I can't wait...count me in! :)
Just getting ready to jump on the plane from MCI to LAX! Greece is one of my dream vacays! Have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding, so I think I am prepared! First ouzo is on me!
Always wanted to go...
Yes! I'm so in! Let's go! Wait a minute, I don't fly...oh to hell with it. I'll meet you at the airport! ;)
Oh you know just what I like...count me in....I'm packing my suit as we speak!!!!!
This will be fun and just what I needed!!
Ok, see you in JFK. It's a nice long trip right? I need a nice long vacation w/o the kids!
I went once 16 yrs ago when my brother married a girl from Athens. I was there for 10 days and would be more than happy to go again.
I've got my tunics & Bonanno's packed and I'm ready to go! This is going to be FUN!!! I SO need a Frappe!
I'm so in!!!
I'm there, you're so fun!
waiting at JFK...
I've always wanted to go...can't wait to see it!!!
I'm there!! Wasn't I just talking about how I wanted to go to Greece??? I must admit, I'm running a little late, so, I'll probably have to meet y'all in Greece :)
I just received the invitation but, I am there! Meet you in Greece!
Oh my gosh, how did I miss out? I didn't think it's been that long since I've visited you. BUT! Little did you know, I stashed myself away in your Birkin bag and have not, after all, missed the flight. Now, pass me the wine.
Wait for me! I am on the East Coast right now, can I hope aboard in NYC?
Darn, I missed the boat too. Hopefully I can join you for your next vacation. This is about the most amazing idea I have ever seen on a blog.
Hope you can get Project Runway there tonight. Enjoy!
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