
Fabulous Week Ahead

If I hear another person say "well you know...in this economy..." I'll rip out my hair and scream. Okay I know things are not the greatest but sheesh! Hubby and I even have a joke that we say that even when something has nothing to do with the economy. I say: "I burned your toast babe"...". He says: "well you know in this economy..." and we laugh. Tee hee.

I am choosing to focus on the positive and pro-active as I always try to do! Next week is finance week on my blog. We'll delve into everything from retiring, investing and financial planning, to where to buy the cheapest gas. We're all going to be millionaires if you stick with One Fabulous Mom!!!

In other news Grandmommie got Landon the cutest clothes I've ever seen. These are what I call milestone man clothes! He got his first tie, first leather belt, first pair of Nantucket red shorts, and first navy blue cashmere cardigan.

He is one lucky birthday boy!!!

Last but not least I am meeting some LA bloggers out tonight! Isn't that so fun!? If you're a blogger in the area let me know! For the rest of you, I'll tell you who, what, and where when, when I report back!


Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

The joke between you and your husband is funny. I am so tired of everyone going on and on about how bad the economy is. The economy is cyclical and always has been.

Landon's new clothes are adorable! I love the critter shorts.

Enjoy your weekend!

Always Organizing said...

What adorable clothes!! I'm looking forward to next week's posts :)

ps. Have a great night out with the LA bloggers.

Etiquettely Correct said...

He is going to be such a cute little preppy! I tagged you :)

Far From Perfect said...

Looking forward to read your point of view on the economy next week.

Landon is going to look handsome in his new clothes.

Anonymous said...

i hear ya- MIL is all about that shit and it drives me nuts- they don't call her doom and gloom for nothing!

the outfit is very adorable :) have fun meeting your peeps.

L.A. Prep said...

No, I won't be back until August 22nd. I am so bummed to miss the gathering tonight - would have been so fun to meet you all! I hope we have another get-together some time soon! Have fun & have a margarita for me! Hope you guys post some pix too, can't wait to hear all about it!

Belle said...

Love Landon's clothes! Have a great time tonight!!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Love the shorts...well, really, love it all, but especially the shorts. Have fun tonight!

Beth said...

Love the clothes, love the joke AND love that you are meeting out L.A. bloggers tonight! Have a great time!!!! Can't wait to hear about it!

Monogramchick said...

Those shorts are adorable! They would go really well one of the backpacks you could win on the friday freebie this week :) hint, hint!

The Shabby Princess said...

How stinkin' cute! He is going to be one sharp dressed little man.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

I SO agree with your comments on the economy. Come on people... it goes up and down, always has and always will. Even though the US is going though this time, we still have it better than 99.9% of the world! Cute joke between you and hubby.

Oh my, Landon is already too cute and those clothes are going to look precious!

Can't wait for next week. I love anything financial!

Have fun tonight, can't wait for the recap and PHOTOS!!!

Jessi said...

I love your blog, you do such informative posts!

Loving Landon's clothes and the purple couch!

Preppy Mama said...

Oh Landon is going to look so handsome in his new outfits! Very cute. Have fun tonight!

Michelle said...

So, cute...so grown up (sorta sad, sorta glad?) (((hugs)))

The 5 Bickies said...

Love the clothes and can't wait to hear about your bloggers night out!

Linda S said...

Oh, Landon's clothes are so cute! Can I have a set for my big guy? And can you force him to wear them?

Looking forward to next week! Thanks, babe, can't wait 'til I'm rolling in the dough!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I see a lot of J. Crew there in those clothes. Why because we have some of it. So cute!

Kiki said...

Okay, this one you can post.....

I am so tired of hearing about the economy too, you and your husband have a great sense of humor about it!!!! Love it!!!

Landon's clothes are so flipping precious, he is going to be one styling little man!!! Such good taste clearly runs in your family!!!

As for getting together with the other L.A bloggers...so jealous....come back East and hang with us!!!!

Clare said...

I am so with you on this, the news just totally freaks me out. I don't watch it anymore.

Where are those shorts from? Ralph Lauren? I think I got the same ones for Bradley, and we took pictures of him on the beach in them. They turned out SOOOO cute! Can't wait to see you money posts:) XO, Clare

Alison said...

That is a great idea! And that joke between you and your hubby is so funny. I get sick of that excuse too; we can't let something beyond our control make us sad and less fabulous!! I look forward to you posts!

Anonymous said...

Love the ties!

ilovepink said...

I LOVE the clothes!!! Just goes to show that you can have fun dressing boys too!