
Still Sick

Thought I'd have a little fun. Saw this on some other blogs. Thank God I have a nanny who can watch him today. I've been sleeping for hours!

Where I Live

Favorite Color

Favorite Drink

Favorite Movie

Favorite Place on Earth


Preppy Lizard said...

Love it! I want to go to your Favorite Place on Earth....

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

I think I need a mojito now. I think you need one too! Hope you feel better!

Kiki said...

Mmmmmmojito!!! Sounds so good right now after all the yard work I have been doing today!!! I am hoping that you are feeling better soon!!! It looks like you were having a wonderful birthday month until this yucky stomach bug hit!!!

Ummmm, anytime you want someone to tag along to your favorite place I'm game....I just need a sedative to fly-blech!!!

kenady said...

So sorry you caught the bug:) This little Meme looks like fun... I think I might participate:) Feel better soon!