
Friday Fun- Which Austen Heroine Are You?

My birthday is coming. So that means I celebrate the day (liar), the week (big liar), the month (now you're talking) and have the most fun I can. This is getting harder and harder to do as I get older and have more responsibility. I can remember, living in Hollywood, my friends were club owners, bar owners, the keepers of the "Lists" where you can get in or not. Those birthdays were full of sexy dresses, big cakes and lots of attention. I've gained a little perspective now and I can say I still love big cakes (and sexy dresses and attention), crap, I guess I haven't changed at all. That's not true. I no longer care about getting in anywhere because wherever I am, is the place to be.

So this next week will be a special week of birthday posts and craziness. I'll tell you what I'm doing, buying, and who I'm drinking and laughing with. So much to look forward to!

In the mean time I just love this:

I've seen this on a few blogs so I thought I'd share!

I am Emma Woodhouse!

Take the Quiz here!

You Are...Emma Woodhouse!
Emma Woodhouse!

"You are Emma Woodhouse of Emma! You like being the queen of your social circle (small and provincial as it may be), and feel it's your duty to help those less influential than you. You often meddle in the affairs of others, though you do it with a pure heart. You are often deluded in your flights of fancy, but your good intentions and creative spirit make you someone anyone could like."

All possible results: Elinor Dashwood, Marianne Dashwood, Elizabeth Bennet, Fanny Price, Emma Woodhouse, Catherine Morland, Anne Elliot

Well, duh. Of course I am Emma Woodhouse! I mean please what did you expect? You guys know me. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear MRS.....Happy birthday to me! Which one are you?


Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Enjoy your birthday month!

Etiquettely Correct said...

Can't wait to hear more about your birthday! I fully believe that birthdays are meant to be a season, not just a day. SO enjoy!

Belle said...

Happy birthmonth!! lol. That's how it is at our house, too!

Lamp Tramp said...

sending you special birthday wishes and xoxo! can't wait to see the celebrations!

PaperCourt said...

Happy Birthday! I'm headed to La Jolla this afternoon to celebrate a friend's 40th. I'll have a drink for you! Happy, happy!

WSU Laura said...

I love it! Happy Birthday Month to you!

Preppy Lizard said...

Happy Birthday month to you!!!!! I totally do the same thing, which makes my husband crazy! My mom even used to celebrate our half birthdays (which my husband totally does not get).
Sunday marks my one month til the big day so the celebrating will begin!

Have an awesome birthday weekend/week/month...you deserve it!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Month!! I took the quiz and I'm Elizabeth Bennet.

workinthatpreppy said...

i guess i am FINALLY over my birthday...what do you want from your bloggers for your special month..cough..i mean..day! maybe a beach towel would be lovely!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Happy Birthday/week/month. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Hey Happy Birthday!

Just took that quiz a couple days ago - I was Marianne Dashwood. It was hard not to cheat while taking it - I've read the books so many times that I knew exactly which heroine each answer choice corresponded too. Some of the options were direct quotes!

Barefoot in the Park said...

Happy birthday/birthweek/birthmonth!

Beth said...

Have a great Birthday month:) Looking forward to reading your posts about all of your celebrations!

Now, off to take the quiz:)

Kiki said...

A very happy Birthmonth to you, I cannot wait to hear all the wonderful adventures you will take us on!!!

I was Emma Woodhouse too, but as the oldest sister in a house of four girls I knew that's what I'd be, its s fun quiz though!!!

Again, keep us updated on all the good things you've got going on!!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday celebrations!

I'm Elinor Dashwood, but I wish I was Elizabeth Bennet.