
Sanity Break- Cleaning Out Your Closet

I know this seems more like a chore than a sanity break, but clean out your closet and you'll clean out your mind. Organizing and de-cluttering really makes you feel lighter and more relaxed!

Hubby watched Landon as I finally got to clean out my closet. It was such a mess! I have been so inspired my Self Confessed Lamp Tramp. She has been organizing her butt off! I needed to do mine!

Also I was inspired by Katie Joels closet in Town and Country. My closet is nowhere near as fancy but I love how organized it is and decorated! Feels like Neimans! I love a gold painted closet!

Here's my before pictures (keep in min I almost forgot to take them so this is really mid way through!)


A more MIDWAY picture:


And a little Neimans/ Preppy look of my own!

A couple of things: I color code my closet. I do all the pinks, all the blues etc. I even include pants, skirts, and shirts all together by color. You would not believe how much easier dressing is, plus you can see if you have 72 pairs of black pants!

Second, you will see you don't have much shopping to do when you can see what you have and see what goes together. You will be amazed!

Join me on the closet clean out! Next is my shoe and bag closet!


workinthatpreppy said...

funny...wednesday i paid someone to clean mine...just to hang evrything up off the floor and put winter away...but now...i plan to reorganize and throw away...mainly, SIMPLIFY....i mean, i don't need the size 4, 6, or even 8's anymore...hello? give them away! thanks for the inspiration!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Wow! Your closet looks great! I really need to devote some time to cleaning out my own. It is a disaster.

I divide my clothes by type and then color code them too. It makes it so much easier. When I initially color coded everything it was amazing to see how much pink, white, and black I have.

Etiquettely Correct said...

I need to do that - but the task just seems sooo big

Always Organizing said...

You are a woman after my own heart! Closet organizing is my therapy :) I'm actually due for my spring re-org, maybe I'll post some pictures when I do mine..
Great job!

Michelle said...

You go girl!!! We have spring break next week and I am going to tackle some "simplifying tasks" myself! Can't WAIT.

Belle said...

I did the boys' closets yesterday. Today... mine. It's so embarrassing when you can't walk into a "walk in" closet. ;)

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

I love it! I think it's so true that the clutter in your home/closet/garage effects the clutter in your mind! I can't wait to get a real closet when I move. I love closet organization systems and think they are worth the $$$. Good job. Can't wait to see the shoes & bags! :)

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Not sure how I got to your Blog - ha! I'm a newbie to all this! But love your info & comments on Closet Cleaning! Same goes for cleaning out drawers or anything else - Truly frees up space in your mind too! Recently did all kitchen cupboards after some kitchen remodeling - WooHoo! Feel like a new women! P.S. Our son just turned 30 & lives in L.A. - works for Traders Joe's and does extra work when he can find it!

Lindsey said...

So impressive! I like to clean cabinets and cupboards and my closet whenever I am stressed.

WSU Laura said...

Very inspirational. I saw Self-confessed Lamp Tramp's pictures and now yours. . .I need to get on it.

Preppy Lizard said...

Nice job! This weekend I have on my list of things to do to organize our linen closet in the bathroom...it is OUT OF CONTROL!
You have inspired me to make sure I do it this weekend.

Sweet Pea Chef said...

I have had this on my "TTD" list for weeks. You may inspire me to do this over the weekend.

Kiki said...

I have to cleanmy closets as we are about to list our house and it needs to be de-cluttered!!!

I'm fascinated that you have a seperate shoe and bag closet!!! can't wait to see that!!!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

We must be thinking alike! I did the same thing today and posted about it. Doesn't it feel good????

Buford Betty said...

It looks great!! I do my closet the same way. Everything by type then by color.

Lamp Tramp said...

Wow...I'm inspired all over again, Your closet is my dream closet. I hope to get my closet soon. You are so awesome... I blush at the mention you gave me on your site, I'm humble compared to you !!!!XOXO

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Ok, I'm inspired now. Need to tackle my closet and mini#2's. I color code, too. I think I have 72 pairs of black pants, too!

Greens and Pinks said...

I purged all of our closets big time before we moved. I am waiting until I have this baby to put my closet back together. Right now it's just too damn depressing to see all my clothes that don't fit!

Cindy said...

What an inspiration you are! I'm sure if I did this I would have twice as much room. I have clothes so packed away I've forgotten about them completely.

My book group is meeting at my house this Thursday, and I'm serving the blue cheese fondue you made at Easter. I know it will be a hit!

Barefoot in the Park said...

I'm inspired. I'm putting organizing my closet on the schedule for the weekend!

Lori said...

Great job! I organize my closet by colors too. :)
It feels so much better when things are organized!