
I'm Back In Birthday Town And Feelin' FOXY

Going out tonight, for a casual birthday dinner with friends. Actually both are college friends (hubs was in college with me, and wifey was there after me). It's college Hubs bday coming up and of course mine is still going on! I was interrupted by stomach flu but slept my way through it and am much better.

Thanks for indulging me on my week of birthday posts, I sure had a blast. At the school I went to they have a day where classes and tests are canceled. You never know when it's coming, but you can bet we tried to guess and failed a bunch!

Anyhow, the president would put a fox on the lawn and "Fox Day" would mean we would all head to the beach. I know we have a lot going on in our lives but don't we all deserve a "Fox Day"? It doesn't have to be your birthday to have a little time off!


Always Organizing said...

I love it! I usually call it a "mental health day", but "fox day" sounds much more fun! Have a great dinner!

Always Organizing said...

BTW - the tip of the week really cracked me up. Boogerectemy - too funny.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Fox Day sounds like fun!

Melissa said...

I love the idea of a Fox Day!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

Glad you are better! I am all for Fox Day...a day of throwing everything else to the wind and just doing nothing!

Kate said...

I LOVE that idea! We even have a stuffed fox that we could use. Definitely see "fox day" in our family's future:)

Etiquettely Correct said...

What a cool idea - I wish they did that at my work - hee hee

Anonymous said...

Your school did that too?
We had one, and it was called Wonderful Wednesday, but not always on Wednesday.

Kiki said...

I LOVE THAT IDEA, I completely wish that I could adopt it, but if I called "Fox Day" at Gap, who would run the store???? I'll have to declare my days off as such...implementing immediately!!!

BTW, boogerectomy, hilarious!!! I've done it to my nephew...kind of made me gag, but necessary!!!

Bridget said...

Fox day is the greatest thing I have ever heard of! I need a Fox right about NOW! Happy Birthday, glad you are feeling better :)

Anonymous said...

Wish our school had had a "fox day" - of course we wouldn't have been able to go the beach - but hey, an impromptu party in the corn fields is always welcome! :-)

Preppy Lizard said...

LOVE IT! What a great idea. I want a Fox Day right now.

Anonymous said...

I went to college with the author. I can attest that Fox Day rocks!

Anonymous said...

Love it! My daughter and I always take a personal day before school gets out. We make sure we wait until our outdoor pool opens to do it. So come the next warm day in May, I'll be sure to put out the fox.

The Pink Totebag said...

That's so fabulous! I think I have to steal the coined phrase "Fox Day," if you don't mind. Love your blog, too! Thanks for stopping by to read mine! I'll be back to visit for sure!

Amy said...

Catching up on my blog reading FINALLY! And looks like you have had an awesome week!! Happy Bday and congrats on all your loot!