
Fabulous Project- Little Miss Buffet

New project! I am trying to decide what to do about a buffet/sideboard for the dining room. Here's where it will go.

I need a place for fancy dishes and serving pieces. I won't do a hutch because it would block the view!

My dining room set is a very rough-hewn table, dark brown wood. I have several theories on what would look good. Let me know your thoughts!!!

Choice #1: Black cabinet, either Japanese inspired or not. That way the whole dining room wouldn't be matchy match and have a more eclectic feel.

Choice #2: A green sideboard. This one has the exact color as the green in my drapes. I think this would add a preppy feel and still keep the unique vibe I love.

Choice #3: Something more finished. Something like this might up the decor level, but will it clash with my table?

I think I am leaning towards #2.

I think the green might go a little better. It's from Ballard Designs by the way. Cast your votes!

PS Today was my "Grandmommies" Birthday (she passed away in 1992), I am wearing purple today in her honor. She was a fabulous painter, wife and ONE FABULOUS MOM! Boy would she have loved this blog!


Tickled Pink And Green said...

You are your own best judge! I'd go with the green as well. I love picking up colors in the drapes.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Grandmommy sounds like a wonderful lady! What a cool way to honor her by wearing purple.

Kiki said...

I like the green as well, but mostly because it feels right with the chandelier...your grandmommy must have been wonderful, all the best today!!!

Melissa said...

I like the green one also.

Lindsey said...

I like the green too, and Ballard ALWAYS has coupons floating around out there.

Happy Birthday to your Grandmommy. She sounds like my nana.

Heather said...

It seems like they all would work, but I think I like the green one best.

Always Organizing said...

I think all three are lovely choices, but I agree that choice #2would be a great compliment to your existing decor.

Etiquettely Correct said...

I like the green one best. Your Grandmommy would be so proud of what a fabulous mom you are!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

I think choice #2 would tie it all together. The top of the piece looks (obviously you are the best judge) like it would coordinate well with the wood pieces you already have in the room. The green would pull in the green from your window treatments and still be neutral-y enough if you wanted to change things in the future.

Preppy Lizard said...

My vote is for #2. I think it will work the best with the look you already have going on in the room and the pattern in your window treatments that kind of sets the mood as a more comfortable dining room with a little bit of french flair.

Tippy said...

I'm the lone dissenter here. I like the first picture. But #2 is a close runner-up.

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I vote 2 also. The other two might be to dressy if the table is distressed.

workinthatpreppy said...

i concur! the distressed green is relaxed and livable for landon and casual entertaining!

Lamp Tramp said...

OOHH!! Fabulous Fluff Stuff! They are all beatiful! Go with your gut feeling. Happy day to Grandmommie!

Anonymous said...

I like the green too!

Anonymous said...

I like the green, and I LOVE Ballard. Great minds think alike!

Danielle Moss said...

I really like the green one. You should definitely order it!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

I love the green! Let us know what you pick. Your grandmother sounds great!!!

Belle said...

I love the green! I have it in black and it's one of my favorite pieces. It's a nice piece of furniture and has come in so handy! So, I vote #2. However, I LOVE the others as well. :)

Karen said...

I really like #2


Michelle said...

I like them all but I keep picturing something a bit different there...what about some weathered columns with a glass top or garden iron gates fashioned into a base with a glass or marble top? Then you could make it exactly the size you need. I do think all the pieces you have shown are lovely and definately check out Ballards for that look!!!