
It's Raining Babies- Baby Shower Alternatives

I have a friend who did not love the idea of a traditional baby shower. Her first reason being she moved here recently and does not have enough girlfriends, and the second being she hates all the attention (can you imagine!?).

So here's what we've cooked up for her. We're going to brunch at a fabulous restaurant Geoffreys.

It has the most amazing view of the pacific and we will have a small group of couples there to toast the baby boy on the way.

I think it will be perfect.

If a shower isn't your thing you can do a couples cocktail party, or brunch. You can also do a "favor shower", where guests write down what they will do for you after the baby is born (an hour of babysitting, bring you dinner etc). Or you can have a casserole shower, where everyone brings a dish to freeze for you to enjoy once the baby arrives!

Either way let people spoil you and shower you with gifts, favors or food. Pregnancy is such a special time in life and you deserve it!!!


Kim said...

Our circle at church used to do casserole and diaper showers for 2nd, 3rd, etc. babies.

What a treat!

Preppy Lizard said...

What great shower alternatives or things you could incorporate into a shower for the mommy to be.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the brunch, especially since I can really understand not wanting to be the center of attention. Really.

Candace said...

I love that restaurant. I remember breastfeeding Hannah there and getting some "looks" though!
It's a beautiful spot and great food! enjoy!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

Love the Casserole shower idea. Cooking is the last thing anyone feels like doing after coming home with a newborn. Great ideas!