
I'm Gonna Party Like It's My Birthday

My Birthday is today! That did not stop me from starting to celebrate this past week though...As his gift to me, hubby took me away for the first time since Landon was born, on an overnight trip!. Landon's Auntie Rae Rae and Uncle Sharpy babysat. Landon did not shed one tear when we left or the whole time we were gone! I thought he would die without us, shows you what I know!

We drove out to Palm Springs. We started the trip the right way with a stop at In and Out Burger.

If you haven't had one you have not lived. They are so fresh and amazing. This one even had the In and Out University next door! These people are serious about their burgers!!!

Later that day, we arrived at mt sisters palace, I mean house. She was kind enough to lend it to us (her second house) and we loved it! Jacuzzi, pool...and hubby brought the fresh mint and was serving me Mojitos immediately!

Next we decided to have drinks at The Parker. You know the hotel from the Bravo show "Welcome to the Parker". It was gorgeous. We toured the grounds and say the bocci court, croquet court, and lemonade stand, and decided we must stay there some time. So cool. I enjoyed my drink very much!

Look at their cool coasters they use at the bar.

After our drinks we ate dinner at The Purple Palm, which is possibly the most fabulous place I've ever been excluding my honeymoon in Greece! We dined pool side and continued drinking Mojitos. We at an amazing meal of carpacio, oysters, shrimp and steak frites. AMAZING.

Notice the decor, purple leather chairs!

To top off the night we headed to Melvins Piano Bar. We danced the night away. I was loving the older couples dancing the Lindy! The lounge singer Nino, did a great job with his keyboard mounted to the piano and his strobe lights! I loved it!

It was seriously the best birthday gift ever. So fun! Look how gorgeous!

The fun didn't end there! I did some serious shopping!! I'll post all my loot tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! What a fabulous trip (appropriate for the fabulous mom, no?) and I am so jealous of all the mojitos you had - half the time when I go to a bar in Pittsburgh they don't have the mint to make them. And in West Virginia? "A mo- what?"

Now that you know Landon can survive sans parents where else will you go?

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Aww! I am so glad that you had such a Happy Birthday! Your husband planned a fun weekend. I would love to try In and Out Burger sometime, but we don't have them on the east coast.

Have a nice day!

justme said...

happyb day
looks awesome !!

Tippy said...

What a divine way to spend a birthday! I'm SUPER envious. So glad you got away. Moms AND kids need that time.

Always Organizing said...

Happy Birthday!!!! What a terrific trip, can't wait to see your shopping loot! Enjoy the day :)

lizziefitz said...

Happy Fabulous Birthday!!!! You look amazing. The trip sounded like a blast. I don't know if I could stay at the Parker. Some of the things they showed prior to guests staying the night were a little skeevy? That is the germ a phobe in me talking. Did you read my post? Oh yeah ,5ft from The George Benson Sat night...good times. PS my birthday is Wed. Go aries!

Belle said...

Wow! What a perfect weekend! I love the pics. Happy Birthday!!!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! How wonderful of your husband to take you on such a nice little getaway!

MRU said...

What a wonderful trip! Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing the great pictures.

Unknown said...

So glad you had such a great day! Looks like you had a great time! I love mojitos. *sigh*

Cindy said...

Happy birthday!! What an amazing birthday get away! Did you husband plan that all by himself? I am seriously impressed.

BTW, I made your blue cheese fondue from Easter the other night for my book group, and it was a total hit. Fondue is always so festive, and this was a nice change from the normal gruyere I usually make. Thanks!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like a fun, fun couple weekend! From In and Out to the purple leather chairs. Funny! Glad you had a great time.

Always Organizing said...

I tagged you! Check out my blog :)

Sweet Pea Chef said...

Glad you had a *fabulous* birthday!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love Palm Springs! Looks like a fabulous time! I can't wait to see more and all your goodies! :)

Preppy Lizard said...

Your husband did an awesome job planning your birthday present. Can he help my husband out for my bday next months?
Everyplace you went looked and sounded amazing!!!
Can't wait to see all your bday loot.

PaperCourt said...

How fun! Happy Birthday!

Vita Fortunata said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like you're having a fantastic week. My daughter did not cry at all last year when we left for the first time either. I talked about it so much before we left I guess they just know it's ok and you'll be back.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey LW!

Tons of love and big birthday wishes from NYC.

Love and miss you.


Kiki said...

Oh mrs., So fun, the Parker, when I saw that show I was ocmpletely intrigued and am so glad that you got to go and give us the inside scoop!!! Were any of the people who were on the show still there?

Can't wait until tomorrow for the post about the loot, what would a birthday be without an extravaganza of shopping and new pretties!!!

A very happy birthday to you today, all wonderful things to you in the year ahead!!!

The 5 Bickies said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Your weekend sounds wonderful. Of course I like that you started it with In and Out. You do have your priorities straight!

Enjoy what's left of your day and post photos of your loot soon. Can't wait to see.

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Happy Birthday!! Mine was almost two weeks ago so we're both April babies. Yay! Let's see the loot!

Lamp Tramp said...

What a wonderful trip ans so romantic! You've got a great hubby!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday!!! What a great trip...looks like you had a BLAST! Can't wait to see more posts:) Again, Happy B-day!!!

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

Happy Birthday! My sister and mother-in-law were born on the 14th too.

Suzanne said...

A belated happy birthday! Sounds like you've been celebrating in style!

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

Happy Belated Birthday. I'm behind on reading my blogs. SOunds like Hubby has a wonderful time planned and that you enjoyed every minute. I love hearing about places in Cali.

Caffeine Court said...

Oh my gosh-what an amazing time you had! My birthday is May 12th-I wish I could head to Cali-borrow your sister's house and sip on mojitos-it looks like HEAVEN!

Karen said...

Now that is one fabulous birthday trip! Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! Looks like you had sooooo much fun! Are those bouganvilla you're standing in front of? They're beautiful....