
The Power of a Post It

I have to share a story my pastor told on Easter Sunday. I have not been able to get it out of my head and I know everyone needs to hear it!

My pastor has two kids, one an adopted little girl from China, and the other a little boy with a severe form of Autism. They are a young couple who has battled through a lot of hard times, but recently with the death of his wifes grandmother, and her mother in a wheel chair after battling cancer, he had been feeling very low. He felt his faith waining and he was looking for hope. He was feeling so lost and alone after making it across country with his two kids and going to the funeral. Then seeing his mother in law in her wheelchair was almost more than he could take. There he stood in his mother in laws kitchen feeling lost and he spotted something on her refrigerator.

About half way down was a yellow post it. When he got closer to it he could read the words: I WILL WALK AGAIN.

The words floored him. The total faith and conviction. He wept. He stood right there and cried as he felt his faith being restored. Then he realized the position of the post it note. It was just high enough to be put on by her in her wheel chair.

That night at dinner he had to bring it up to her. He said to her "you know, I saw your post it note, and I believe you will walk again."

To which she replied:

Everyone at the table cried. Her faith was unstoppable.

I share this with you, please pass it on. Remember, no matter how down you are, whether in a wheelchair or on your knees. Put that post it up. You will walk again.
Better yet, you already are.


Kiki said...

God answers prayers...of that I am sure!!! Your words hit home and I feel like they were almost meant for me.

lizziefitz said...

I LOVE this post!!! You were lead to share it with us fellow bloggers:)

Melissa said...

Great post! What an inspirational story!

Kate said...

That is beautiful! THanks for sharing it:)

Etiquettely Correct said...

Thanks for sharing that story - your pastor sounds like a special person. It reminded me of my apartment when I was studying for the bar - I had post-its all over the place with quotes and short prayers on them. It helped

kenady said...

Love it! Thanks so much for sharing with us:)

Preppy Lizard said...

Amazing post. Brought tears to my eyes and opened my eyes as well.
Thanks so much!

Tippy said...

I'm just now visiting your blog from another one and I have to say, your post gave me chills. What a great story.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I needed that. I feel guilty posting/complaining about a sinus infection now! Ha! God knows when you're down. He lifts us up in the most unexpected ways!

Karen said...

This is wonderful...thank you for sharing!


Anonymous said...

is pretty awesome

Sibi said...

How beautiful you are to share this story ...
you never know how many lives you are touching
with such heartfelt encouragement.
Loved reading this post~

Many Blessings!