
Holy Shish! Kebab...great dinner idea!

Bolstered from your prayers and good wishes I am hammering forward with a taped up toe and a new attitude. I cannot be mad for long, or sorry for myself. I hate feeling that way and I had to give in for a little while but that's long enough!
Thanks for letting me vent, and being so unbelievably supportive.

Hubby and I made Shish Kebabs the other night. Shish Kebabs you say? Yes darling, Shish Kebabs. When's the last time you tried them? They are amazing and for us it had been awhile. It dawned on me that this was a new (yet old!) fun way to eat healthy grilled veggies and meat.

We did chicken, mushrooms, cherry tomato, red onion, peppers and white onion. YUM! They were amazing and all hubby did was salt and pepper a little. Serve it with Couscous and you've got yourself a meal!

Here's some back history for you nerdy types!

The term shish kebab comes from Turkish words literally meaning "skewer" and "roast meat," and it is a signature Turkish meal. Kebabs were a natural solution for nomadic tribes.

Today, shish kebabs have expanded into most cultures in some form or another. Oriental cultures have satay, which is roasted skewered meats served with a dipping sauce usually made with peanuts.

Japan has yakitori, which is grilled skewered fowl. In France, they are called brochettes, meaning "skewer."

Didn't know kebabs were so fancy and fabulous didja? Make some tonight!


Trusting Your Maternal Instinct

Your comments yesterday were amazing. I needed all your thoughts and prayers and I cannot believe how wonderful you all are.

As hubby and I get closer to having to do in vitro again in hopes for baby number two and Landon creeping towards being two, I am thinking a lot about how Landon came into the world. I think I'm ready to share his story with you guys.

Towards the end of my pregnancy I was feeling decreased movement. He was such an acrobat the whole way through it was a big decline. My girlfriends told me not to worry, he was a big baby and maybe he didn't have room! I still thought something was wrong.

I went to my regular doctors appointment and voiced my concerns. She checked him but he seemed fine. I insisted. Something was wrong. She told me since I was 37 weeks and he was a big baby, she didn't mind me having him (I was not effaced at all, doing a c section would be the only way). She sent me over to the perinatalogist for another check. At that check up Landons heart rate dipped a little but then came back up. The doctor did an amnio. This was my first one because after having so much trouble getting pregnant I was not about to risk anything. This time the doctor insisted. The fluid came out cloudy. He very calmly said. "You know what, let's just have the baby today." I asked if it was an emergency and he said if it was an emergency he'd "have the baby out in 20 minutes!"

I walked over to the hospital starting to have second thoughts about being so adamant about having him. Was I ready for this? I then remembered my Mom had to fly from CT. I asked the nurse checking us in if we could wait until she arrived later in the day? The nurse looked at me dead in the eye and said "that baby will be out in twenty minutes". That's when I knew we were in trouble.

The c- section started with them having trouble with the epidural. Landon's heart rate started dropping. my OB said "baby needs to come out!" I said I didn't care if I was numb take him! Hubby was ushered back into the room. Landon was taken out and no cry. He looked lifeless as a team of doctors went to work on him. Hubby and I stared at each other with tears in our eyes. Then a little peep. Then one kiss and hubby and baby were off to the Nicu. I was left there on the table, being sewn up, with no one telling me what happened.

Later hubby came to recovery where my preacher was sitting with me (my first call). He told me the news. Landon had the cord around his neck and his arm. The arm was purple due to blood clots. Surgery would have to happen right away to save it. In addition he suffered a stroke due to lack of oxygen. We would have to wait and see if there was any brain damage.

Miracles do happen. No brain injury. Many surgeries and skin grafts later our precious boy is doing very well. Physical therapy and occupational therapy was something we jumped in with right away and his arm has improved dramatically. We long for the day when he has full use of his hand, but this is a marathon not a sprint. More surgeries (this August), more therapies.

I will never forget my OB, who is now on a first name basis with us, looked at me with tears in her eyes and told me, you saved his life. I knew something was wrong and insisted. Otherwise he would have been still born.

You'd have to see Landon to believe me but he is the happiest and sweetest boy. Clearly he wanted to live and wanted a right arm, and because of this, he has one. He is my hero.

Trusting my maternal instincts saved Landons life. There was something nagging at me and rather than try to rationalize it I acted. Your instincts are there for a reason. Always trust yours no matter what.


Not So Fabulous- Calgon Take Me Away!

Oh bloggy girls I am having a rough week. One of those weeks when you just keep asking "can I get a break here?". When that break doesn't come you just feel dead. That's where I'm at. I am back and forth wondering if I will post this. I feel like Kikibee, but she was brave so I'll be too.

I count myself to be a very positive person, but even I could not really even bring myself to be happy today, no matter what happened. Made me feel weird to be out in the world, all vulnerable and not knowing what I would say because I had lost my ability to fake the nice stuff.

A lot is going on, some medical stuff with me and Landon (I'll post later this week), finances are not good, managed to Break? my toe while running to the bathroom last week from stomach flu, and then the kicker, Landon gets it. Throwing up all weekend poor thing. Could not even keep a teaspoon of pedialite down.

Then I get a call that my grandma's in the hospital with a hurt back, my sisters having major issues she's dealing with, holy moly Calgon take me away.

I swear I have been battling through health insurance rejections, red tape with Landon's medical bills, and nothing going the way I want.

My pastor says it's not that God doesn't give you more than you can handle...he doesn't give you more than HE CAN HANDLE. I think this is true.

Bare with me. I won't be like this forever. I know myself too well for that. Not much can keep me down.

Just to prove it here's the old Calgon commercial!


Movie Reviews For Parents and Kids

Landon has been obsessed with a few videos lately so I though I'd share! He loves Elmo, and this Elmos World Pets DVD is adorable with real clips of kids playing and taking care of their pets.

He also loves Sesame Street Sing A Long. It's really old school but very enchanting. Brings me back!

We are also very into BOB the Builder here. The song is catchy and and Landon has started marching!!! This is a video of the live show! So great.

Okay now onto adult stuff!

hubby and i have rented quite a few good movies lately and when both he and I like them it's worth mentioning!!!

A Good Year was so worth the rent and to be honest I had no desire to see it. It was great! Gorgeous scenery, cute story and great acting. Russel Crowe is one of my favorites.

We also loved watching Fracture (yummy yummy Ryan Gosling) whoops...that slipped out...anyhoo a great thriller and Anthony Hopkins plays a great psycho as usual.

We've got Michael Clayton on deck here at home. I'll let you know how it goes!


Peets Coffee Does Not Like Babies

I took Landon to Peets Coffee to get a gift card for a friend who helped me get my part time job. I have been meaning to get over there but of course could never find a moment. I finally decided to go there with Landon this morning:

It started with me trying to get Landon to go inside. He let out a scream and the guy in front of me winced in pain like a dagger had been thrown at his head. (GIVE ME A BREAK DRAMA QUEEN, GET DOWN OFF THE CROSS SOMEONE ELSE NEEDS THE WOOD).

We made it inside and the line was back where Jesus left his sandals. I mean FAR BACK. I got on line and did what any normal mother would do. I bribed Landon with raisins. He sat in the middle of the floor shoving 200 of them in at a time. (Hey, it was quiet.) Then I saw the guy (drama queen) from before; leave before he got anything. WHATEVER.

I had a few nice girls on line who thought Landon was the cutest, because he is(most of the time). The looks I was getting from everyone in there were as if they had never seen a baby before and were downright horrified. Is this Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the town with no children? "Lollipops! All free TO- DAY!"

Then Landon started having another little fit when I tried to stop him from shoving 300 raisins in his mouth (200 is my limit).

The counter dude was rude as hell trying to get my attention because I was next. He treated me like I was his stepmother. Give me a break. I am trying to do two things at once which you clearly have not mastered or you wouldn't be stuck behind the counter with that look on your face.

I got the gift card and left. Thank God I don't drink coffee. I was riled up enough as it is!


It's Raining Babies- Baby Shower Alternatives

I have a friend who did not love the idea of a traditional baby shower. Her first reason being she moved here recently and does not have enough girlfriends, and the second being she hates all the attention (can you imagine!?).

So here's what we've cooked up for her. We're going to brunch at a fabulous restaurant Geoffreys.

It has the most amazing view of the pacific and we will have a small group of couples there to toast the baby boy on the way.

I think it will be perfect.

If a shower isn't your thing you can do a couples cocktail party, or brunch. You can also do a "favor shower", where guests write down what they will do for you after the baby is born (an hour of babysitting, bring you dinner etc). Or you can have a casserole shower, where everyone brings a dish to freeze for you to enjoy once the baby arrives!

Either way let people spoil you and shower you with gifts, favors or food. Pregnancy is such a special time in life and you deserve it!!!


Fabulous Advice

When I was pregnant I got a lot of advice, and a lot of "sleep when the baby sleeps", (obviously they are coming over to unload my dishwasher and do the laundry), but somehow you are NEVER prepared for motherhood!

I did however get some great advice from a few mom's in the trenches. Here are my top three:

1. "Get That Baby On A Schedule": best advice ever. I am not a kookoo pants nazi about the schedule, but to have a baby who sleeps at a regular time frees you up tremendously. Being at the whim of an infant is hard enough, give yourself a little time.

2. "Let Him Cry": Of course there are bedtimes and nap times but don't drag it out. A few books and good night. We can now put Landon to bed with little fuss because we ignored his crying fits from the start. We aren't evil, we just knew he was safe and clean and fed and just needed to sleep. Now he's asleep before his head hits the pillow.

3. "He's Not Going To Crawl To College": Landon was the last one (it seemed) to walk. He was standing up at 7 months and taking steps at 11 months but for official walking? Not until fourteen months. I remember getting caught up in the time with whichttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifh Landon "SHOULD" be doing things. I was panicking. Then someone said "he's not gonna crawl to college" and I just laughed. He wasn't going to crawl to college. I needed to CHILL OUT. Now I've learned Landon is not the first to do things but not the last either. That's cool with me.

Okay mommy bloggers! What's your best advice? Lay it on me? Put it out there for us all to share. In the meantime I tag: Magnolia Mama, Kenady, and Pink in a Sea of Blue (just to out a couple of people). The rest of you! Speak up! Don't lurk when you can share great advice!!!


Oh Baby, Baby- Fabulous Baby Gifts

I have a few friends that have had their second babies recently (I will be on this shortly but for now it's Mojito Madness), and of course I am giving baby gifts. I wanted to list a few of my favorite baby gifts as of late!

Above are piggy banks from Elegant Baby. Too cute and a sweet little gift.

When Landon was born Godmother gave him the cutest robe from Red Envelop with his name on it(they don't have it anymore). I've posted a picture of him in it before.

The first time we dressed him in his robe and pajamas (this one was a fleece robe), we nearly passed out with the cuteness. Now I am convinced that everyone needs to have a baby robe!

Now this does not replace the hooded towel, which is is a MUST. This is just for kicks and can be used after drying baby for lounging in the diaper or PJs'.

Here is the latest robe I found and I am dying over.
It's by Kidsline. I got it at a boutique near my house. It is the softest thing ever!!!!! And too cute!

I got the orange one for my friend Vanessa, and I just got the green one for my friend Mo.

I also love all the Trumpette socks for boys and girls. The perfect gifts because infants are in socks all the time and really make them look so adorable. Baby Super Mall is a great resource for all things baby and they have a huge selection of shoes and socks.

Here are the ones Landon had:

For your little doll:

And for the golf obsessed!!!

Of course I still think the greatest gifts ever are Wubba Nubs pacifiers. They have a variety now but the frog pacifier is still my favorite.

The duck is cute too!

You can now get them at Amazon. They used to be hard to find! These are even greater because you can wedge them in and they don't pop out of babies mouth when they sleep! Genius! At $9 you can put it on your gifts as a cute topper! Done!


Fabulous Story For Sunday

This is the sweetest story. I thought it would be perfect for a Sunday. A hippo who was saved by a family became their pet. Even though she lives in the wild she still comes to visit! I love this footage!!!



I'm Back In Birthday Town And Feelin' FOXY

Going out tonight, for a casual birthday dinner with friends. Actually both are college friends (hubs was in college with me, and wifey was there after me). It's college Hubs bday coming up and of course mine is still going on! I was interrupted by stomach flu but slept my way through it and am much better.

Thanks for indulging me on my week of birthday posts, I sure had a blast. At the school I went to they have a day where classes and tests are canceled. You never know when it's coming, but you can bet we tried to guess and failed a bunch!

Anyhow, the president would put a fox on the lawn and "Fox Day" would mean we would all head to the beach. I know we have a lot going on in our lives but don't we all deserve a "Fox Day"? It doesn't have to be your birthday to have a little time off!


Still Sick

Thought I'd have a little fun. Saw this on some other blogs. Thank God I have a nanny who can watch him today. I've been sleeping for hours!

Where I Live

Favorite Color

Favorite Drink

Favorite Movie

Favorite Place on Earth


Not So Fabulous- The Party's OVER!

I thought maybe I was feeling continuously hungover. As I was carting Landon around to different playgrounds I started feeling worse. Oh no. Please No. Yep. I've got the stomach flu. The Party's Over!


Tagged! During the Birthday week!

I have to take a time out so that I can do some serious business. I was tagged by Always Organizing to list some unimportant things about me.

1) you link back to the person who tagged you
2) post these rules on your blog
3) share six unimportant things about yourself
4) tag random people at the end of your entry
5) let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs

Here are six unimportant things about me:

1) I am no good after 9pm. I mean no talky, too tired, go to sleep!

2) I love taking baths, but not with bubble bath. Just a plain hot tub of water.

3) I love roller blading but haven't done it since Landon was born!

4) I always sleep on my side, never on my back.

5) I get pissed off when I'm woken up. I mean pissed!

6) I think Haagen Dazs ice cream is gross. Give me Breyers any day.

I am tagging Tres Poshe Preppy!

Loot! There It Is!!!

Today I had a birthday lunch with a few girls at one of my favorite restaurants in Beverly Hills, we had salads and cupcakes and champagne (thanks to sweet hubby who sent it!) OH MY!

I have some other dinners and lunches planned to do more celebrating!!!

On to the loot!

I got a lovely orchid, a gorgeous serving plate, a cute ribbon bag and OH! A SIDEBOARD!

I had a little talk with my Dad and he really frowned upon my Ballard Designs purchase. He feels that an antique will retain it's value where a new piece will not. he's right. I started realizing that the Ballard Designs sideboard would go from $1400 to $400 once it was shipped! So I went to the biggest consignment shop in Palm Springs and got this gorgeous antique sideboard for MUCH LESS!!

It has gorgeous in lay and looks amazing! Look at the drawer handles.

Tonight the neighbors came by for cake and iced cream. Such a fabulous birthday! To top it all off I had a visit from the "birthday duck!" Apparently this mallard comes and lands in your pool with a birthday greeting. What? Hasn't he been to your house?


I'm Gonna Party Like It's My Birthday

My Birthday is today! That did not stop me from starting to celebrate this past week though...As his gift to me, hubby took me away for the first time since Landon was born, on an overnight trip!. Landon's Auntie Rae Rae and Uncle Sharpy babysat. Landon did not shed one tear when we left or the whole time we were gone! I thought he would die without us, shows you what I know!

We drove out to Palm Springs. We started the trip the right way with a stop at In and Out Burger.

If you haven't had one you have not lived. They are so fresh and amazing. This one even had the In and Out University next door! These people are serious about their burgers!!!

Later that day, we arrived at mt sisters palace, I mean house. She was kind enough to lend it to us (her second house) and we loved it! Jacuzzi, pool...and hubby brought the fresh mint and was serving me Mojitos immediately!

Next we decided to have drinks at The Parker. You know the hotel from the Bravo show "Welcome to the Parker". It was gorgeous. We toured the grounds and say the bocci court, croquet court, and lemonade stand, and decided we must stay there some time. So cool. I enjoyed my drink very much!

Look at their cool coasters they use at the bar.

After our drinks we ate dinner at The Purple Palm, which is possibly the most fabulous place I've ever been excluding my honeymoon in Greece! We dined pool side and continued drinking Mojitos. We at an amazing meal of carpacio, oysters, shrimp and steak frites. AMAZING.

Notice the decor, purple leather chairs!

To top off the night we headed to Melvins Piano Bar. We danced the night away. I was loving the older couples dancing the Lindy! The lounge singer Nino, did a great job with his keyboard mounted to the piano and his strobe lights! I loved it!

It was seriously the best birthday gift ever. So fun! Look how gorgeous!

The fun didn't end there! I did some serious shopping!! I'll post all my loot tomorrow!


Friday Fun- Which Austen Heroine Are You?

My birthday is coming. So that means I celebrate the day (liar), the week (big liar), the month (now you're talking) and have the most fun I can. This is getting harder and harder to do as I get older and have more responsibility. I can remember, living in Hollywood, my friends were club owners, bar owners, the keepers of the "Lists" where you can get in or not. Those birthdays were full of sexy dresses, big cakes and lots of attention. I've gained a little perspective now and I can say I still love big cakes (and sexy dresses and attention), crap, I guess I haven't changed at all. That's not true. I no longer care about getting in anywhere because wherever I am, is the place to be.

So this next week will be a special week of birthday posts and craziness. I'll tell you what I'm doing, buying, and who I'm drinking and laughing with. So much to look forward to!

In the mean time I just love this:

I've seen this on a few blogs so I thought I'd share!

I am Emma Woodhouse!

Take the Quiz here!

You Are...Emma Woodhouse!
Emma Woodhouse!

"You are Emma Woodhouse of Emma! You like being the queen of your social circle (small and provincial as it may be), and feel it's your duty to help those less influential than you. You often meddle in the affairs of others, though you do it with a pure heart. You are often deluded in your flights of fancy, but your good intentions and creative spirit make you someone anyone could like."

All possible results: Elinor Dashwood, Marianne Dashwood, Elizabeth Bennet, Fanny Price, Emma Woodhouse, Catherine Morland, Anne Elliot

Well, duh. Of course I am Emma Woodhouse! I mean please what did you expect? You guys know me. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear MRS.....Happy birthday to me! Which one are you?


Fabulous Project- Little Miss Buffet

New project! I am trying to decide what to do about a buffet/sideboard for the dining room. Here's where it will go.

I need a place for fancy dishes and serving pieces. I won't do a hutch because it would block the view!

My dining room set is a very rough-hewn table, dark brown wood. I have several theories on what would look good. Let me know your thoughts!!!

Choice #1: Black cabinet, either Japanese inspired or not. That way the whole dining room wouldn't be matchy match and have a more eclectic feel.

Choice #2: A green sideboard. This one has the exact color as the green in my drapes. I think this would add a preppy feel and still keep the unique vibe I love.

Choice #3: Something more finished. Something like this might up the decor level, but will it clash with my table?

I think I am leaning towards #2.

I think the green might go a little better. It's from Ballard Designs by the way. Cast your votes!

PS Today was my "Grandmommies" Birthday (she passed away in 1992), I am wearing purple today in her honor. She was a fabulous painter, wife and ONE FABULOUS MOM! Boy would she have loved this blog!


Not So Fabulous- Whose swing is it anyway?

Okay, Maybe I am from another planet, but last time I checked if there's a swing hanging on a tree, in my yard, then it's MY SWING. Apparently not. I have a neighbor who seems to think otherwise. Don't get me wrong, I am all for sharing and having neighborhood kids play together. All for it! But after asking if they could use the swing one time, they now come EVERYDAY TWICE A DAY.
Maybe you didn't read that right. EVERYDAY TWICE.....A.....DAY!
Her nanny even comes over when the mother doesn't come. It's a shame because the little girl is adorable and Landons age. I have TRIED to help the problem by A) saying "hey, knock on the door next time! We'll come out and play too!"
and then by saying B) "here's my phone number, call and we'll have a play date!"
No calls. No knocks. Just her on the swing, twice a day, for at least a half an hour while I'm in my house seeing her through my kitchen window.
My sister was ready to murder this woman, I tried to keep my cool, but after coming home a million times and seeing her there, and her still STAYING a half hour after I am home, I had to say something. It was her fault really, she gave me the window of saying "if it's too much tell me". This prompted my quick reply of "well, actually now that you mention it..."
I tried to explain that it's awkward, and I'd love the kids to play together, but it's too much. She gave some lame excuse about not wanting to bother me (SERIOUSLY? BECAUSE YOU ARE BOTHERING ME AND INVADING MY SPACE), and not knowing Landon's nap schedule etc. Good Golly Gumdrops I thought I would lose it.
She spun her stroller around and said she would call next time but it's clear she's not coming back. I tried I swear.
I feel a little better for drawing a boundary and a little bad for telling her. I just kept thinking I would NEVER do what she was doing and I just could not understand. I need a glass of wine. I guess not all my neighbors are lovable.


Weekend Wrap UP- Pot Luck Palooza- RECIPES!

We had our Four Corner Pot Luck this past Saturday at our house. Let me stress again how important it is to know and as extra credit LOVE your neighbors. Reading Buford Betty's post convinced me of that even more. I am so glad we have each other. This time it was a Mexican themed pot luck. Here is Sheilas 7 layer dip. She spread it very thin and it was sooooo much better than Ive ever had!

My friend Virginia gave me the easiest recipe for enchiladas, but look out because we call them "white trash enchiladas". Nothing fresh here! Just stuff from a can! Everyone loved them!

Here's the recipe:

1 lb ground beef, turkey or chicken
1 can of Rotel (tomatoes with chilis)
1 can diced chilis (small can)
2 pkgs shredded Mexican cheese
2 large cans of enchilada sauce
1 pkg flour tortillas

1) Cook meat, just before done, drain fat and add tomatoes with chilis and diced chilis. Finish cooking.

2) Pour enough sauce in bottom of baking dish to cover.

3) Fill enchiladas with 1/3 meat and cheese in center. Cut off rounded ends, and then roll together. Place in pan seam side down.

4) Cover all with sauce and bake at 350 degrees until bubbly. Then add more cheese to top and bake to melt.

5) Serve with sour cream and guac!

Then on Sunday we had a church pot luck fundraiser to benefit Imagine LA. I made a Mediterranean pasta salad and it's not only easy but sooooo good! I had it first at Wholefoods, but then when Googled it, I came up with a new blog that I just love. she had the recipe! So credit to you Sidewalk Shoes!

Pasta with Spinach, Feta and Olives
Serves 4 (except it occasionally only serves 2)

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
3 garlic cloves, minced (increase or decrease to taste)
6 cups hot cooked pasta
2 cups chopped spinach
1/4 cup pitted kalamata olives (oh, go ahead, do 1/2 cup, you know you want to)
2 tablespoons capers (rinse if they're salted)
3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

Whisk olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and garlic in a large bowl. Add everything else and toss to mix. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

So good!!!!