
I'm An Empty Nester?

Landon is now going to school three days a week 9-3, and one half day. For me to let him go for a whole day was a big thing. He's only four, I wasn't sure if he was ready but the afternoons at school seemed so fun we gave it a try.

He loved it from the start. Landon loves eating lunch as well as playing soccer, doing yoga, and all the other afternoon activities they offer. He was so excited about his lunch box he picked out I thought he was going to explode. In fact on the half days (everyone does a half day Friday), he begs to stay at school and eat lunch with his friends! I was thrilled about his amazing transition, and then the house was quiet!

Once again I am in the yin/yang of motherhood. Now that he spends three full days I am an "empty nester!" LOL. Truthfully this schedule has made my life more calm and easy and I am able to do a little work. Let's not forget that I have darling Coco to entertain me as well. She starts her Mommy and Me class today. Didn't I just give birth to them a minute ago?


Suburban prep said...

My sister is in the same boat. She has a 5 yr old going to all day kindergarten and a 4 yr old going to half day kindergarten. The school is just five houses down the street from their house (they live at the same address as where we grew up). Yet my sister still has a 21 month old at home. The little man sometimes spends some time though with my parents who moved about 6 blocks down the street.(my parent's moved down the street because the foundation of the house where we grew up fell and the house was torn down and my sister built her house on the same property).

Ouiser B. said...

Yay!!! I'm so happy his transition went so smoothly. Obviously he is confident and well adjusted due to all that fabulous parenting! *smiles*


Jen said...

Enjoy your time!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I know! Where does the time go???

Suburban Princess said...

I am sitting here alone while little one is at school and it always feels a bit odd. Strange how I was on my own for so long before but now that he is a part of my life I can't get used to be alone again lol

Debra said...

Glad he is enjoying school. I know how you feel. When my daughter went to preschool it was hard but kindergarten was harder - although 2:30 comes around pretty quick somedays. I felt like we were easing HER into going to K all day everyday w/ 2 days of pre-school the first yr and 3 days the next but honestly it was more about easing ME into it. They grow up so fast, I just don't know where the time goes.

PS. Hope you're staying cool there. Wasn't fall supposed to be here already??